Monday, December 14, 2009

Start of week 37

Our Baby is considered FULL TERM NOW =)
All the babies clothes are washed, nursery is organized, and his hospital exit outfit has been picked.

This weekend we did a little bit of everything.
Friday we hung out with NI friends at a Beer festival. But before that, we received a Christmas gift box from the Flores Abuelos. Veronica sent us little special moments in time that she had saved over the years...ornaments for our tree.

Saturday morning we were busy at work in the nursery. In the afternoon, a mommy friend, Laurel, and I went to Breastfeeding 101 class at the place where she is giving birth. It was very informative and eyeopening.
Saturday evening we had a date. We went to a sports grill and saw the heisman awards...Sadly Tebow wasn't even close to winning but I was really happy for Mark Ingram. He looked sincerely overwhelmed. I guess this means that UT is winning the national championship game come January if the curse of the Heisman continues.
Our night didn't end there...We WENT TO A CHRISTMAS PARTY!! Other mommy friends were there from our Bradley class. It was a lot of fun. We talked about baby positions, pains, questions, and played some fun memory games.

Sunday morning we arose to JINGLE BELLS!!! The Jingle Bell 5k was across the street at the Domain. There were 1,500 runners, walkers, strollers, and pets. And though everyone was ready to deck the halls, the weather was abnormally warm. As has been my duty in the last couple months, I spectated, cheered, and timed....I can't wait to be out there with the baby in the stroller!!
Ashish ran a PR of 16:09 to get second place, Peter remained consistent running a 20:45 (with a hurt foot!). They were giving massages at the race....AND I GOT ONE! It felt so good. The lady thought I had run the 5k and was very impressed. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to burst her bubble. I was sad to see that the winner of my division 20-24 ran a time of 24:30. It will be fun to run it a year from now with the stroller and still post a faster time than that!
We had a great taco breastfast and enjoyed the warmth of the sun by our pool. Who would have thought that at the same place where I caputred footage of snow 2 weeks ago, I would be tanning....ooohhh Austin.
Sunday afternoon we watched Disney's newest movie, the Princess and the Frog. I liked the movie but there was something unoriginal about it that didn't quite fit right. It had a great moral and was funny but I didn't walk out feeling the way I thought I would. We ended the weekend with a yummy dinner at Travis, Lola, and Ashish's house where Lisa (the neighbor), Lars and Anna joined us as well. Like always, conversation topics ranged everywhere from travel adventures, to flawed business plans, to proper foam rolling techniques.

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.