Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Long awaited Doctor VISIT!

Yesterday morning was the long awaited doctor's appointment at Dr. Sebesyten's office!

Though the office is literally 1 mile away from our apartment, we managed to be 5 minutes LATE, unbelievable. Luckily, they took us. After filling out all the NEW PATIENT paperwork, we went in to see a nurse. That part of the meeting consisted of asking a lot of questions about my family's medical history and my own pregnancy.

Then an insurance lady walked in to talk to Peter and I about what our insurance covers, which is EVERYTHING. She said, "whatever job whichever of you have to be covered by this insurance, KEEP IT." We both just laughed. I internally thanked the Peace Corps for yet another non-repayable gift they've given me.

Finally, we met with Midwife Liane Miller: She measured my stomach- 36cm. Peter got to find the babies heart rate, 130bpm, with this little machine. She then showed me the difference between the sound of the heart and the umbilical cord. She felt around my stomach and identified a knee, a foot, the back, and other body parts. She was very informative and instilled in me a lot of confidence.

The goal will be to meet with the 2 doctors and 3 midwives at the practice before I give birth so that I have at least met (ONCE) whoever comes into the delivery room. I have an appointment next week with Dr. Sebestyen. Liane is going to do a BELLY CAST on my stomach as soon as I finish that appointment.

Now all that's left is to retrieve my files smoothly from Dr. Eng's office. I'm nervous, I feel as if I'm breaking up with her...and I want to be nice about it...hahaha.

Since Peter had to go to work and left the appointment early, I walked back to the house from the Doctor's office (1 whole mile). It was a nice walk. The air was freezing cold, almost numbing but the sun was out and the sky was a beautiful blue. I loved the walk.

In conclusion, Dr. Sebestyen's practice lived up to the high expectations I had set for them. Peter and I are excited and ready for the coming weeks...or so we think =)

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.