Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Papa

Father's Day 2011
So much has happend since LAST father's day...but one thing still remains the same, our buggarhead looking up to his PAPA, as he will continue to do so for the rest of his life. Thank you for giving me the most beautiful gift in the world. Happy Father's Day Papa! 

And to my daddy: 
A father is only one....but one like mine is truly rare. This morning I woke him up at 5am to celebrate Father's Day on the sideline of yet another race...with the camera, holding my shoes, and keeping track of what place I was in throughout the race. 
After all these years..still my number one FAN. 
That same support that I had that led me to this 20 year running career, is the same if not, a 1000 times more that i've had as a person. He's always been there with calm "inspired" whoosaa thoughts to help me dodge and weave the crazy curve balls that life throws. I feel so lucky to have a dad like you, who's shown me what unconditional love is...As a parent, everyday i'm starting to catch glympses of the patience, love, and selflessness it takes to raise a little person. 
Daddy, Me siento tan afortunada de tener un papa como tu. Gracias por demostrarme lo que es el amor incondicional. Happy fathers day daddy!

And to all the papas, dads, daddys, fathers: Today is your day!

What Is A Dad?

A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again. 
A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart breaks in silence
when you get hurt. 
A dad is someone who
holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail(or think you have)...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Running...just like riding a bike

 Soooo, since moving back to Miami, I've been a little more inspired/pressured to step up my running game--plus I have 2 live in babysitter roomates (abuelos)--only for a couple more weeks though :/. Every week on almost every run, there is someone that I bump into that I used to know from high school or college.  Granted, I am going to SOCIAL Nike Run Clubs all around I shouldn't be surprised to find familiar faces.

They all ask about my running and just assume that I still run a million miles like I used I'm trying to not shatter that image that was so clearly imprinted in their heads years ago.
I've done a couple races too.  I did the Merrill Down and Dirty 10k and loved it, however I didn't really know where I stood in the 5k...since i'd been racing 1/2 marathons, 10ks, and 1 marathon in the last 2 years. I took the Weston memorial race as a time trial to see where I was in the 5k. I ran 20:58...though effort-wise I felt like I was going to go around a minute to a minute and 1/2 faster.....oh my How it fools with me.
Then the following weekend I ran the Twilight 5k in South Miami--20:27:already shaving a couple seconds off my time=). The best part about that race was that I bumped into a former runner friend who actually ran an 18:55....AND is the momma of a 6 month old! Double wammi---now I really dont have any excuse to be running the times i'm running. We talked a little and she told me about a group that she is training with...
Guess where I was the very next day?...At their practice. It has only been a week that i've been training with them and I already feel like i'm in "running mode". This week the track workout was ridiculously hard. I couldn't believe the pain I was voluntarily putting myself through...
for no real reason other than pride.

I'm not going to lie, around the 2nd 1000, I highly thought about calling it quits, but that's not in me. Never been a quitter and never gonna be. Maybe its something that can be taught or learned over time, but I really think it's something you have to be born with.

2012 Mack Cycle Key Biscayne International Triathlon Trilogy

According to the theory of Muscle memory, once you learn the rhythm and timing for muscle flex that is required to pedal, your brain stores this in procedural, long-term memory, and you don't have to actively rediscover the process each time you begin biking. So, the expression,refers to things that, once learned, one seldom unlearns, regardless of how much time has passed since last using that skill. 

I haven't done a tri since 2008...and I'm really hoping that the expression "it's just like riding a bike" rings true come Sunday morning.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

New Bike- bitter sweet

Before leaving LA, I say BYE BYE to my bike. My first bike was special and we shared many special moments. Parting ways with it was hard but the quest for the replacement bike has produced mixed feelings.

I did not want nor did I have the means to invest as much as I did the first time around. Instead of going with a NEW BIKE, I opted for a USED bike option. Searching on craigslist was tiresome, even though I did set up a Notifinder search. Finally I came across this bike, and 2 hours later, it was in my car. It slightly reminds me of my first bike...but I don't want to keep comparing. This bike will do for now. Soon we'll find out just how well we mesh together =).

Some girls get fitted for dresses (wedding dresses like Manuela) while I get fitted for bikes... I'm a little odd I guess.
I'm signed up and getting ready for a summer of Triathloning after being out of the tri-racing circuit for a couple years. I'm excited and ready! First one will be on Father's Day =)

Best part of having a bike is that I got the first chance to BIKE WITH MY SON!! We went around the neighborhood and Nico got a kick out it! He kept yelling....MAMA bike, NICO bike...yayyyyy!!! He's recovering from Pneumonia, and getting him to drink his meds has been a mission---but this morning, his reward for taking the antibiotic was a loop around the block, which kinda worked.

As my buggarhead grows-up, I can't wait to keep sharing my love of the outdoors with him!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Quite a Tuesday...Pneumonia and Painting

With kiddos, some days are VERY LONG and nights even longer when they are sick. This day in particular started at 2am. With Nico throwing up a highlighter yellow (bile) liquid all over me and the bed. I quickly put him in the shower only to find out right after his shower that his temp was 104.2.

Of course with his history of seizures(2- one being febrile) I got a little nervous. He had had a temperature for a day and 1/2 already but definitely not that HIGH.

I tried to wait off a little---at least til morning to take him into the DOC, but after he threw up 2 more times, and didn't keep the tylenol in...I cut my losses and made a a v-line for the ER (still on CALI insurance so no regular doc here yet).

Well we decided to get our paint on =) Not sure what we made, but we CREATED. That's how we roll!
When we got there they had to give him a tylenol suppository so that he wouldn't throw it up. I didn't even know those existed. They tested Nico's blood, took a snot sample and throat culture. Poor kid was a trooper. He was so cooperative! Then we went for the chest x-ray. He sat on the little table by himself and lifted his arms when I said 'Touchdown' and even said CHEEESSEEE....since I told him that they guy behind the glass was taking a picture of his lungs. Tests all came back negative but x-ray showed Pneumonia. A couple weeks ago he had Bronchitis....but doc didn't think they were related--except for the common denominator, DAYCARE!

 When he woke up from his extremely early nap (10am), we decided to forget that Nico was sick and do something fun! We got nice and colorful and did some finger  body painting! I think it really helped him feel better =)....Art therapy: it works every time.

Such an artist! I wish I had video, but there is only so much you can do with a toddler with pneumonia, with his both hands full of paint, and one of mine with paint, and and iphone taking pictures....give a mom some credit for documenting =)

It was quite a Tuesday! But now I have a beautiful painting to remind me that when life gives you lemons, DO ART with the love of your life, and "everything will be okay".

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Meeting Tia Sasha Today

 The other day, mama, Nico, and abuelo went to visit Tia Sasha--Peter's cousin who I had only met through pictures/text/email. It was a very special day and Nico loved hanging out with her and her boyfriend Jorge---especially when Jorge kept doing: "boooiiiinnggg, boiiinnngggg, boinggggg." They were both ready for a nap after hanging out with my buggarhead. I'm telling you...I make motherhood look easy but, it's a workout! (hahaha)
By the way, I'm giving you all a heads up, she has her own jewelry business. And I will be hosting a jewelry party at the end of NEXT month so be sure to tune in for more details if you're in Miami=).

Chris and Christie's Engament Party

Wedding and Engagements are always very happy loving moments! 
They are celebrations of LOVE, HOPE, and PROMISES. 
 Yesterday was Chris and Christie's Engangment Party. It was at Doral Isles

 Angela and Andrew's Peanut!
 The Jet setters were present!
 Pasame la botellaaaaaaa.....voy a beber en nombre de ella!!!

Last time I was in that reception hall was for my baby shower =) three years later, here I am again, and but now waiting for Angela's little pumpkinhead to arrive! Amazing how time flies, how friendships grow, and how our lives change...SO MUCH.
Congratulations Chris and Christie!! 
I Wish you all the happiness in the love. It won't be easy. But if you never give up, you may find that unconditional, amazing love that your beautiful grandparents have after celebrating fifty something years together---how did they do?!?! If you find the secret, hook me up with that info!!
I'm so glad I got to share in that beautiful celebration---and made it into the video ;).

Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.