Monday, March 28, 2011

BIG NEWS: Nico's first word!

A couple days ago Nico said Baaauuull...when he saw one of the 800 balls we have in our apartment. We weren't sure if he was saying it on purpose or if it was purely coincidental.

So we decided to observe Nico and his use of the word or sound BAAUULLL in the last couple days to see if we could determine if it in fact could qualify as HIS FIRST WORD.

Today the experiment ended. All doubt was removed from my mind. At around 11:15am, I was sitting on the rocking chair in the living room when Nico walked briskly to the door, picked up the volleyball, and walked it all the way over to me repeating over and over...BALL, BALL, BALL.

I was trying to put him down for a nap but I couldn't help postponing nap-time to celebrate NICO's FIRST WORD: BALL What a big boy!!! I love you mi rey!!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friends/Gators/Surfing...just another weekend

Babies, Daddies, and Margaritas Party Friday Night! Brenda, one of our mom friends here, invited us over for dinner on Friday night. It was delicious and so much fun to hang out with the husbands, babies, and margaritas! All the kiddos were in Party mode cause all their bedtimes came and went and they were all still up and walking around. We had a great time!

(From Left to Right: Craig, Darin, Ryan(Not sure if that's how its spelled)---Brenda, Mia, Robert--Lorena, Alyssa, Alberto---Nico, Me, and Peter)

Habitat for Humanity with St. Monica's. I got to paint the white that you see around the window and door frame and the inside (along the ceiling). The best part was that we got to meet the family who was going to live there. They were very excited!
From 1103 Habitat, Gator game, New Wet suit

Gator Game that we UNFORTUNATELY lost =(. We got to hang out with other Gators, Nate and Jenny, + a couple other people we didn't know... but who all agreed that Nico was the MOST ADORABLE Gator fan!
From 1103 Habitat, Gator game, New Wet suit
Today we tried to go to mass, twice...but didn't quite make it into Church. Peter surfed on Sunset with Charlie while Nico and I rock climbed on the shore and checked out the rocks.

Then we made it to the Malibu Pier where in the distance we could see sone crazy talented surfers--2 on 1 board doing tricks!

We ate lunch under a the SURF we went up after...ONLY TO FIND---MY WET SUIT: 4/3! I tried it on, and it was love at first FIT! I couldn't wait to use it so Peter fed Nico on the edge of our Marina so that I could swim around on Peter's board for a while.

My hands and feet were FREEZING but after a while they got used to it. My torso, legs, and arms, felt nice and warm. I loved being in the Pacific Ocean!!! The salt water tasted GREAT! I can't wait to go out and learn to surf one of these days.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My 'put everything you see around' Soup Recipe

I made a really yummy soup last night! I am really proud of my self...make, try it, and then get back to me.

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1 lb fully cooked ground beef
  • 4 cups thinly sliced green cabbage (about 1/2 small head)
  • 5-6 leaves of Red Chard cut in smaller pieces
  • 2 cups baby carrots (if you have)
  • 2 cups of "Spinach Soup", cooked and blended spinach with water
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
  • 2 cups low-salt chicken broth
  • 1 15-ounce can of sweet corn, rinsed, drained
  • 1 15-ounce can cannellini (white kidney beans), rinsed, drained
  • Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    36 years of Marriage

    Happy 36 year Wedding Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!!!

    Todos los dias me doy cuenta de mas cosas que admiro de ustedes. Gracias por ser un ejemplo de amor, de la importancia de la familia, y por ser los mejores padres.
    Ahora que tengo mi propia familia estoy empezando a ver un million de sacrificios que hicieron ustedes calladamente todos estos anos por ustedes (como pareja) y por nosotras (manuela y yo). 36 anos es mas de una vida entera...Espero que hoy se miren a los ojos y se acuerden del momento que decidieron embarcar en este camino...Espero tambien que cuando miren hacia atras, se sientan orgullosos y felices de las vidas que han vivido y las vidas que han creado y formado...JUNTOS.

    Feliz Aniversario!
    Los quiero muchisimo!
    Valerita (hahaha)


    I was coming home this morning from a "lets tire Nico out for a Nap" walk when I noticed that our mailbox seemed like it was barely closed, so I checked it. Then I quickly wondered how long it'd been since either of us (peter or me) had done so.

    Amoungst the TONS of coupons, ads, and worthless space taking things were SOME VERY IMPORTANT envelopes.

    One was an invitation from the City of Los Angeles asking me to donate $58.00 by March 31st or $116.00 after that date. You see, let me explain. I signed up to single handidly take the state of California out of BANRUPCY through the PARKING TICKET Foundation. I plan on sending that money in by the 31st because I like giving to a good cause....but i'm NOT THAT GENEROUS,lol.

    There were 3 other envelopes were from 2 AWESOME AUSTIN BABY MOMMAS, Heather and Allison! Heather sent me a beautiful invitation to Issac, Henry, Cash, and Arthur's ONE YEAR BASH!!!! I wish we could make it to the HUGE MILE MAKER, but we'll be there in spirit, or skype, whichever! Have an awesome PARTY!
    Heather and Allison each surprised me with a beautiful hand written card.
    Thank you girls! Your words mean SO MUCH TO ME and prove, once again, HOW GREAT BABY MOMMA FRIENDS ARE!!!!!!
    By the time you see this, I'll have already spoken to you, unless you are online RIGHT THIS, and Nico gets up from his nap before I have a chance to call you.

    ANYWAY....the walk worked, cause Nico did conk out and I'm really glad I checked the mail! It saved me 58 dollars and made me feel very loved and special!

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Abuelita-Beatriz came to visit for 10 days!

    This morning at 6am...Peter and I really missed my mom! For the past week and 1/2, whenever Nico woke up, Between 5:30-6:30am, my mom would take Nico, give him his bottle and play with him while we caught some extra ZZzzzz. However, this morning....Abuela wasn't here anymore =(.
    From 1103 Abuelita vistit part 2
    Usually when visitors come to town, we're super busy traveling all around the city/showing off our new town, but my mom didn't care to see much of LA. She'd rather hang out with Nico--especially since he was sick.
    Instead---During the time that my mom was here, Peter and I got to do SO MUCH---TOGETHER. We went out to CLUBS in Hollywood and Venice, hung out with friends, went to the beach, played volleyball, got in the Jacuzzi at our place (FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WE MOVED HERE!), went to watch the GATOR BASKETBALL vs UCLA game at Tony P's (a Gator bar here in the Marina!), got to SLEEP IN---and these are just the highlights. She also helped me organize Nico's stuff, went to do Laundry with me a couple hours before her flight to make sure that "I wouldn't have extra work this week".
    THANK YOU MOMMY for giving us a little vacation on YOUR vacation here!-Gracias por darnos estas pequenas vacaciones durante tus vacaciones aqui! I guess that's what MOMS do, they always want to take care of their babies...even when their babies have their own babies, and society doesn't consider them babies anymore. Her visit was SO helpful...Gracias otra vez mommy, ya nos haces muchisima falta.

    OHHHH---and did I mention that Abuelita bought NICO a BICYCLE!!!!!
    From 1103 Abuelita vistit part 2
    It's meant for 2-5 year olds...but guess who thinks he can ride it already?!?! YES, Nico Samuel Flores!!! He loves it, even though he can't even reach the pedals yet. But he already knows how to get on and off by himself and even manages to lean to one side and propel himself forward with one leg (hence he ends up going in circles...hahaha).
    My mom got to see THE GROVE- and Mario Lopez in action, The Hollywood Stars/Chinese Theater, SUNSET Blvd, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, my office in BH, Griffith Park Observatory, The Promenade, The Santa Monica Pier, Mother's Beach Park, and got to HANG OUT WITH NICO ALL-DAY EVERYDAY for the entirety of her trip, which was her favorite part of the trip, BY FAR!

    Here is the Slide show of my mom's visit:
    Part 1 Pictures click here if you don't see the slide-show.

    Part 2: Pictures Click Here if you don't see the slide show.

    Neighbors water broke =( REALLY EARLY.

    We haven't seen our neighbors, Sarah and Jack in a couple weeks. It was kinda weird but then today I knocked and almost couldn't believe what I heard. They were rushing out to the hospital because Sarah's water had broken---at 19 weeks, 4ish months. They are temporarily moving out of the apartment so that Jack (Nico's friend) can hang out with his grandparents and Sarah can get some help at the hospital.
    Keep my neighbor in you thoughts...Jack doesn't understand what's going on with his mommy and new baby sister.

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    Rachael Ray and other recipes are making a tasty difference!

    So a couple days ago Veronica sent us a box of goodies in the mail. In there was a Rachael Ray book among other things...SINCE then...Dinner time has reached a whole new level.
    As I mentioned in my last post, my mom is in town. She and my sister have always been known as the "kitchen people" and me the "everything else people" at my house. The first night she came in I had Stewed White Beans with Spinach and Bacon ready for her (Picture below). She was a little nervous at first but then pleasantly surprised, she EVEN COMPLIMENTED me on the food.....which I never thought I would hear in this lifetime.
    Other recipes I've made recently:
    Chicken with Bell Peppers and Parsley-Spiked Couscous
    Spinach/Chicken Lasagna with toasted French bread with butter, garlic, and Italian seasoning.
    (sorry, no picture...we ate it too fast)

    Now I need to read through my friend Laurel's blog, google recipes, more Rachael Ray....for recipes and tips to spicing things up around here.

    A couple minutes ago we received our box of veggies from FARM to YOU (organic local farm that delivers to your home). When I looked inside, the wheels in my brain started turning....I wonder what recipes I can make with these lovely ingredients!

    Nico is 14 months old---AHHHH!!

    It's 11am and not until 3 seconds ago did I realize that it was
    Nico's 14th month BIRTHDAY!
    MY BABY IS SO BIG!! I realize I have been saying that since he was about a month old...but he really is big now. He's doing so many big-boy things. I mean...look at this pictures...he even got a ride to work today! He doesn't need me
    Sleeping habits: Since Nico has been getting some new additions in his mouth this past month, NO ONE has gotten much sleep lately. However, the last couple nights he has slept through the night. He used to get up at 8 sometimes even 8:30am...Now-a-days he seems to have a little internal alarm that sets off at 5:57am, EVERY MORNING for the past week. It's been good, i guess-me trying to be positive, since it's gotten Peter and I out of the house and running a couple times but it made us realize how lucky we had it.
    Can you see all the CHOMPERS??
    Eating habits: He has gotten a little pickier than usual. I'm not sure why but it has to change soon....I hope he didn't learn that from Tio Tony when he came to visit earlier this month. He loves blueberries and Orzo!

    Motor skills: He started signing MAS!!!! That makes for a grand total of 4 signs (MAS, DIAPER, CHANGE (diaper), and he has the LECHE sign down)

    Speech: No words yet. But he continues to converse in his own language with EVERYBODY!

    Other: Nico's 4 molars are ALL IN!!! He is ready to chow down on a cow! He's started to take interest in books...He will sit, open them, and look through them on his own (even though they are upside down, lol). When he walks, he pries my hand off so that he can walk by himself....he doesn't want me to help him anymore....he's just 14months!!
    I just slid that in but I forgot to make such a big deal about it: NICO STARTED WALKING THIS MONTH!!!!!--a couple days after his 13th month birthday =).

    Monday, March 14, 2011


    We went out!

    We saw POINT BREAK (an interactive live comedy show) and then went to 2 clubs in HOLLYWOOD!!! What's up, LA! hahaha

    We met up with Chris Caraballo, his girlfriend, Cristy, and some of their (Belen) friends at the Show. Then afterwards we met up with Peter's cousin, Kenny, and his girlfriend, and some of his friends. We actually caught a FASHION SHOW at the first club we went to...and we somehow ended up in the VIP section right by the runway.....such is the LA life right.

    I had a great time, loved the IN-and-OUT burger we had between the show and the CLUB, and the best part was that Nico didn't wake up until 3 seconds after we got home...but Abuela changed him, fed him, and put him back to bed...=)

    Earthquake/ Tsunami in Japan

    I'm getting bad with updating my blog--I don't know what's up with that..but anyway-On WORLD NEWS:

    Japan's most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami.

    Cars, ships and buildings were swept away by a wall of water after the 8.9-magnitude tremor, which struck about 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo.
    The quake was the fifth-largest in the world since 1900 and nearly 8,000 times stronger than the one which devastated Christchurch, New Zealand, last month, said scientists. ---BBC News
    It was a little surreal when Peter woke me up and told me in a half smirk...a tsunami is gonna hit. I didn't know if he was joking or serious. When I was wide awake (2 secs later) I went to the TV where all the stations had images of the devastating earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan. It was crazy to see those waves pushing through those towns, as if all the houses where made of wooden popsicle sticks. We heard that the Tsunami hit Hawaii with waves of 6ft high and was predicted to arrive on the west coast(HERE) with waves that were about 2 ft high--normal size waves. We were still on alert, no one was aloud on the beaches (even though people still went out there).

    The predicted time of arrival of the tsunami came a went with NO SIGN of ANYTHING. However, about an hour later, the water in the Marina started churning (turning light brown) and pulling out of the Marina. Some boats were stuck (on sand) due to the low water level. Some boats were pulled off the dock, but nothing MAJOR happend. When the water started coming back, there were more choppy waves and the wind smelled really salty. The waves were almost crashing by the Life Guard stands, which are usually 25 meters fromt he water's edge.

    The image that scared me the most was the one where the "sea level" map of Los Angeles was shown...and MARINA DEL REY was all UNDER WATER! It made me really nervous to even think that EARTHQUAKES come with NO warning. But anyway, there's no point in stressing about something that I can't control.

    My mom came in to visit Friday Night. We have been having a great time with her and have almost forgotten about all the madness that is going on 1/2 way across the world. I really hope that the people who want to find their family members---can hear from them soon. I hope that those who were left with Nothing...find SOMETHING to take comfort in. I hope that those who were sparred from any disaster either in Japan or anywhere else in the world realize HOW LUCKY they (we) are...HOW POWERFUL mother nature is... and how PRECIOUS each second of our lives is.

    Google has set up a really cool website to search for loved ones.

    Here is a video of the Wave that came through here in the Marina:

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Austin Friends in LA!!!

    Anderson and Allison, our friends from Austin, came out our way to take a mini Vacation!!!

    We hung out with them at Allison's friend's house (who is a baby and then took a nice walk to the park to catch up and let the boys run around the Park.

    It was so nice seeing them!!!

    In the midst of all the things that have been changing in both our lives, it's nice when you can count of friends to make you laugh out loud 'till your cheeks hurt and be a CONSTANT in the madness.

    Our boys are SOOOOOO BIG!

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Life observations noted while teaching elementary school students

    So I went to teach today at Roosevelt Elementary for the THIRD week, to teach Spanish at the after school program. I thought infants were NEEDY, these 2-5th graders are un-tamed crazies. As I was observing their child-ish behaviors, I realized that as we grow up, the subject-matter changes but the CHILD-ISH way of handing things DOESN'T.

    We were playing Red-Light Green Light...well a new version I came up with to teach them Spanish (Pare, Cora, Camine).
    Rules were:
    1. The first to get to the other end got to be the 'Directions' Person for the next game--or be "it" like they like to say.
    2. If you don't do the correct instruction, you move back 10 steps.
    3. Don't cheat.

    I thought I was clear and that we were going to have a jolly 'ole time. WRONG.
    • Finger-pointing: The minute that I told the first kid to take a couple steps back (for walking when I said stop), the finger pointing and ratting out began...He moved too, she ran..I saw her!....etc. I took a step back and noticed that most of us ADULTS are still THE SAME. The minute someone calls us out on something we did or do wrong, we jump at bringing down as many guilty people around us as we can find. Take politicians for example. Aren't the commercials unbearable during elections....don't vote for this guy..he's a crook; Vote for me, I Volunteer with old people. And the opponent comes out with an equally lame laundry-list of evils for the former and reminds everyone how awesome he is. Which begs the questions...should I even vote since both candidates are TERRIBLE and both are CRIMINALS according to these commercials.
    • A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E. Through out the game, there were 2 girls that had adult-sized attitudes that puzzled me how it all fit in those little bodies. They had the hands on the waist, eye rolling, head-tilting, eye-brow raising down packed! But the most difficult part to deal with was seeing how the other students were trying so hard to "cheer" them up...especially one boy. He offered on of the girls his turn...and she just crossed her arms and said...that's not what I want. I was amazed as this plot developed before my eyes! So many times we get into these moods, where we make the other person bend over backwards to figure out what is wrong with us...after a while we might even forget what we are really mad about--but we still keep the other person trying to 'figure it out' for us. As I saw these little girls giving off I this attitude...I wondered how ridiculous and child-ish I look when I pout. It would have saved the class lots of time and energy if these girls would have just said what they wanted. But I guess I can't expect them to do something that ADULTS rarely do...STATE CLEARLY what is bothering us, and give suggestions for how those around us can help us feel better- and GET RID of that A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E!
    • I WON: Finally when we were able to make it to the end, there were 2 or 3 kids who claimed that they if I couldn't see who actually got there first. They said it so convincingly---I WON, for real...but they HADN'T. Sometimes in our adult convos, we want to WIN so bad that we loose focus of what is REALLY HAPPENING and who is ACTUALLY RIGHT. It's hard to admit when you make mistakes. It might be cause of the mentality that surrounds us, that says 2nd place is the first looser. There is such a big hype for 1st place, winning, and being right. Why can't we appreciate the courage that it takes to admit our faults, accept defeat, and LEARN from our mistakes, instead of seeing it as a sign of weakness?
    • It's not fair. Towards the end of the the class I kept hearing: "I didn't get a turn". I wanted to tell them...well you didn't win, so you don't get a turn. But I felt like it was my job as their teacher to let them each get a turn, so I stayed 15 minutes after class, so that each of them got a turn to be it. I guess that's the part of childhood that we're supposed to guard--Naivety (If that is a word). As we grow up we see more clearly that life isn't fair sometimes. We simply just don't always get our turn to do what we want to do. Before you go off and roll your eyes at my statement because you think I have nothing to base it on...CHILL- i'm not saying that life is ALWAYS UNFAIR...especially mine, because I know I've lucked out on a lot of things. But reality is, that sometimes we have to work really hard to "win" and get our chance at giving the INSTRUCTIONS.
    In conclusion, my 2 classes yesterday afternoon were very thought-provoking. It made me wonder if GOD is looking at us as we 'play our games' and wonders WHY WE ARE SO CHILDISH? If we could see just observe RE-PLAYs and study tapes of life's moments, we can maybe see the what we can improve or correct. I don't want my students to "act like adults", I want them to ACT HONESTLY...that is a lot to ask for from 8 and 10 year olds right?!?!
    I hope that I can drop the un-necessary attitude, assume the consequences WHEN I'M wrong without point out other's faults, and have the courage to accept when others are RIGHT.

    Everyday you do learn something new...even when you least expect it.

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    Somethings got to give...Goodish Wife, Great MOM.


    A saga that lots of women blog(Good Wife/ Great Mom), tweet, and Facebook vent or get ideas on how to IMPROVE their WIFE grade before they lose that title completely. Some advice on there is the importance of communicating. Others say get a NANNY and a MAID. There are a couple who are in denial and think that they are AMAZING at both...and there are a few others who'll never be both-give it up!

    Ever since the day I found out that I was going to be a mom, I tried to make it my goal to be a GREAT MOM....2 weeks later I found out I was going to be a wife...and SINCE THEN I have also been trying to be a GREAT ONE.

    I have come short at being a GREAT wife...I think Peter would even say it's a stretch for me to characterize myself as a GOOD wife. It's just hard to turn off "mommy mode" and switch over to "loving wife". Now that Nico is walking around, he needs to be worn out, if not NAPTIME will not happen. DINNER time isn't as easy as it used to be and nights in which Nico sleeps through the night night are few and far between...due to molars making their way out. To top it off, I need to prepare the lessons for classes, update attendance records, and coordinate with"Patti's Schedule". I have been feeling exhausted...and that's even without out running (running for the first time in MY LIFE--has LOST its time slot). Peter has also been tried from his whole laundry list of things to do, bills to pay, visits to schedule. By the time I finish making dinner sometimes, he's out cold.

    I know I'm not the only woman to ever experience this struggle: good wife vs Great MOM. However, unlike a lot of women, I didn't really get ANY practice being just a wife before beginning the juggling act. I am not victimizing myself or trying to excuse myself in any way. I am just stating a fact. That being said, I also know that whether or not I had practice doesn't change my current situation in any way.

    I just wished that I had more examples around of how balanced married and parenting lives are-to learn, watch, follow their example, ask them questions. I haven't found too many living proofs that BOTH can be equally attained. There are those who are much better wives than mothers and vise-versa.

    I guess I should have known that I would have been in this predicament since I have always, burned the candle at BOTH Montalvo would always say. I tried to be an EXCELLENT STUDENT and EXCELLENT ATHLETE and in high school I was able to do it, but in college it became harder( my classes suffered until I switch focus and then my running sufferd) when I tried to throw other things into the mix. Same now. Its hard enough trying to be housekeeper, wife, mother, and then now employee too...I can't be great at all of them--yet if I'm not, the apartment is a tornado relief zone with booby traps everywhere, Peter feels unloved, Nico gets sick or vomits or simply left unattended, and at work, things pile up on my desk, my students don't learn, and I don't get re-hired for other classes. Something has to give....I guess I'm not like ALL those women who CAN DO IT ALL! Sometimes is just so crippling when I realize that there is JUST ONE OF ME! Notice that in that list there wasn't even space to include MYSELF!

    Like I posted the other day, I've been reading "And Never Stop Dancing" by Dr. Gordon Livingston. They other night I started reading chapter 5, It's easier to be angry than sad. He wrote some very valid points that spoke straight TO ME...and he doesn't even know me!!
    "Everyone knows how unhelpful-even unhealthy suppressing feelings can be. In couples therapy, people come in with the idea that somehow expressing unrestrained anger of the sort that is manifest in many bad marriages will "clear the air" and pave the way for reconciliation. Fact: Anger begets Anger. It is very difficult when one is being attacked to respond reasonably. When I inquire about the way people habitually communicate with each other, what I hear are stories of repetitive conflict in which each person feels a continual need to defend themselves. Usually these battles begin with criticism.....Here is my argument: If an agreement can be reached to withhold criticism, the emotional tone of the house shifts. The relationship changes from one in which the primary task is keeping score of the other person's transgressions to a COOPERATIVE enterprise in which each member of the family has an investment in maintaining enough order that things can be found and guests entertained. What is eliminated are the passive-aggressive behaviors that represent the defensive response of people who feel powerless and aggravated. Kindness begets kindness.
    By the time couples come to see me, they usually have a sense that something is wrong with how they habitually interact....Behind the power stuggles, hostility, and the score-keeping of our transgressions that are a result of our discontent, lies the profound sadness of failed expectations. 'This isn't what we signed up for.'...
    Just behind the anger are two emotions that are much harder to express-fear and unhappiness. Both of these very common human feelings are seen as weaknesses and are hard to tolerate for long. one way to escape them is to get mad and allocate blame. If we can find a target, we can indulge our outrage and assign responsibility for our misery to someone else. Now we are a victim...we now have reassurance that what has happend to us is NOT OUR FAULT.....
    If you cannot change the people around you, you can at least have the satisfaction of surprising them.
    That chapter was loaded...with side notes, highlighted statements, and thoughts. I have a lot to process and work on to improve my Wife grade. But my focus now has to be to leave the booby traps and the work aside, and balance Nico/Peter attention more evenly, if I want to keep my family. I have never failed a class before...I'm not gonna start now. Sometimes I wish I had that the clarity that comes with LONG NAPS, CLEAN HOUSE, and LONELY HEART could be contained in an easy to access shelf, or better yet, be put into a pill. I'd pop one in every day if I could. Maybe then I could be the person I want to be! That person that inspires, radiates love, and is TRUELY great at being a WIFE and MOTHER!

    I know life hands you lemons sometimes and you are supposed to make lemonade...but wouldn't it be nice if every once in a while life would just hand you a glass of lemonade with a note saying:
    "Thought you had a lot on your hands, so we went ahead and made the lemonade for you. Please sit back and ENJOY!"

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    A foggy day in LA is SAD for some, Romantic for others.

    You know those restaurants in Miami that put misters to make the summer's more bearable? Well LA has natural misters all around. Today it seems like al the ones in the Marina are ON! I think that days like this are gloomy and sad...they make me want to crawl into bed since the city seems to be trying to do the same.

    I mentioned to my student this morning how gloomy the day was...and instead of agreeing, she said, "I think its romantic; where I come from (Saudia Arabia) we never have days like this...its always super sunny and bright...and hot- it's the dessert! I love this weather!!".

    I try to wear rose-colored glasses but sometimes I leave them at home, or loose track of them...I'm glad she reminded me about the brighter side.

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    And Never Stop Dancing-Thirty More true things you need to know now; By: Dr. Gordon Livingston

    And Never Stop Dancing
    By Dr. Gordon Livingston

    This is only one little excerpt from a million quotable and discussion-driving topics that Dr. Gordon brings up in his second book. This and his other book (Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart) are filled with insight and thought provoking chapters that are helpful in times when the world around us doesn't seem to make sense.
    He writes:
    "One author has defined happiness as a ratio between accomplishment and expectations. If the numerator of that fraction is sufficiently large--if we have done enough with our lives, however we define that--we have a good chance of being happy. If, however, the denominator, expectations, are sufficiently great, they can overcome whatever we have accomplished and we are left feeling unfulfilled. What is important to notice that both components of the ratio are self-defined.....If we are to be happy in a world where bad things happen routinely and unexpectedly, we need to keep our expectations realistic and develop a resilience to tragedy that will protect us from despair....We need to attune ourselves to the good news/bad news paradox and develop a capacity for accepting what we must. We also need to learn the art of letting go: of the past, of unresolved grievances, of our younger selves. Nobody gets out of here alive. Whether this reality is a reason for despair or an incentive to mobilize the courage required to get up each morning is a matter of attitude. This is where we have a choice."
    Setting realistic and attainable expectations is difficult can maybe mean the difference between a happy life and one that, well...isn't. I was reflecting on my Panama experience the other day and found something else to add to the LIFE LESSONS LEARNED IN THE PEACE CORPS list:
    Learned to set realistic goals/expectations AND ADJUST accordingly. It's comforting to know that my happiness isn't something that's left up to fate or life itself....IT'S UP TO ME, like other choices I have to be living the LIFE THAT I WANT to live--sometimes it takes a little more courage to get up in the morning and look at the bright side. But like Dr. Gordon said, it's a matter of attitude.

    What does this quote mean to you, or make you think of???

    Quotes to Live by:

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

    When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.