Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And Never Stop Dancing-Thirty More true things you need to know now; By: Dr. Gordon Livingston

And Never Stop Dancing
By Dr. Gordon Livingston

This is only one little excerpt from a million quotable and discussion-driving topics that Dr. Gordon brings up in his second book. This and his other book (Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart) are filled with insight and thought provoking chapters that are helpful in times when the world around us doesn't seem to make sense.
He writes:
"One author has defined happiness as a ratio between accomplishment and expectations. If the numerator of that fraction is sufficiently large--if we have done enough with our lives, however we define that--we have a good chance of being happy. If, however, the denominator, expectations, are sufficiently great, they can overcome whatever we have accomplished and we are left feeling unfulfilled. What is important to notice that both components of the ratio are self-defined.....If we are to be happy in a world where bad things happen routinely and unexpectedly, we need to keep our expectations realistic and develop a resilience to tragedy that will protect us from despair....We need to attune ourselves to the good news/bad news paradox and develop a capacity for accepting what we must. We also need to learn the art of letting go: of the past, of unresolved grievances, of our younger selves. Nobody gets out of here alive. Whether this reality is a reason for despair or an incentive to mobilize the courage required to get up each morning is a matter of attitude. This is where we have a choice."
Setting realistic and attainable expectations is difficult can maybe mean the difference between a happy life and one that, well...isn't. I was reflecting on my Panama experience the other day and found something else to add to the LIFE LESSONS LEARNED IN THE PEACE CORPS list:
Learned to set realistic goals/expectations AND ADJUST accordingly. It's comforting to know that my happiness isn't something that's left up to fate or life itself....IT'S UP TO ME, like other choices I have to be living the LIFE THAT I WANT to live--sometimes it takes a little more courage to get up in the morning and look at the bright side. But like Dr. Gordon said, it's a matter of attitude.

What does this quote mean to you, or make you think of???

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.