Monday, March 14, 2011

Earthquake/ Tsunami in Japan

I'm getting bad with updating my blog--I don't know what's up with that..but anyway-On WORLD NEWS:

Japan's most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami.

Cars, ships and buildings were swept away by a wall of water after the 8.9-magnitude tremor, which struck about 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo.
The quake was the fifth-largest in the world since 1900 and nearly 8,000 times stronger than the one which devastated Christchurch, New Zealand, last month, said scientists. ---BBC News
It was a little surreal when Peter woke me up and told me in a half smirk...a tsunami is gonna hit. I didn't know if he was joking or serious. When I was wide awake (2 secs later) I went to the TV where all the stations had images of the devastating earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan. It was crazy to see those waves pushing through those towns, as if all the houses where made of wooden popsicle sticks. We heard that the Tsunami hit Hawaii with waves of 6ft high and was predicted to arrive on the west coast(HERE) with waves that were about 2 ft high--normal size waves. We were still on alert, no one was aloud on the beaches (even though people still went out there).

The predicted time of arrival of the tsunami came a went with NO SIGN of ANYTHING. However, about an hour later, the water in the Marina started churning (turning light brown) and pulling out of the Marina. Some boats were stuck (on sand) due to the low water level. Some boats were pulled off the dock, but nothing MAJOR happend. When the water started coming back, there were more choppy waves and the wind smelled really salty. The waves were almost crashing by the Life Guard stands, which are usually 25 meters fromt he water's edge.

The image that scared me the most was the one where the "sea level" map of Los Angeles was shown...and MARINA DEL REY was all UNDER WATER! It made me really nervous to even think that EARTHQUAKES come with NO warning. But anyway, there's no point in stressing about something that I can't control.

My mom came in to visit Friday Night. We have been having a great time with her and have almost forgotten about all the madness that is going on 1/2 way across the world. I really hope that the people who want to find their family members---can hear from them soon. I hope that those who were left with Nothing...find SOMETHING to take comfort in. I hope that those who were sparred from any disaster either in Japan or anywhere else in the world realize HOW LUCKY they (we) are...HOW POWERFUL mother nature is... and how PRECIOUS each second of our lives is.

Google has set up a really cool website to search for loved ones.

Here is a video of the Wave that came through here in the Marina:

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.