Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nico is 14 months old---AHHHH!!

It's 11am and not until 3 seconds ago did I realize that it was
Nico's 14th month BIRTHDAY!
MY BABY IS SO BIG!! I realize I have been saying that since he was about a month old...but he really is big now. He's doing so many big-boy things. I mean...look at this pictures...he even got a ride to work today! He doesn't need me anymore...lol.
Sleeping habits: Since Nico has been getting some new additions in his mouth this past month, NO ONE has gotten much sleep lately. However, the last couple nights he has slept through the night. He used to get up at 8 sometimes even 8:30am...Now-a-days he seems to have a little internal alarm that sets off at 5:57am, EVERY MORNING for the past week. It's been good, i guess-me trying to be positive, since it's gotten Peter and I out of the house and running a couple times but it made us realize how lucky we had it.
Can you see all the CHOMPERS??
Eating habits: He has gotten a little pickier than usual. I'm not sure why but it has to change soon....I hope he didn't learn that from Tio Tony when he came to visit earlier this month. He loves blueberries and Orzo!

Motor skills: He started signing MAS!!!! That makes for a grand total of 4 signs (MAS, DIAPER, CHANGE (diaper), and he has the LECHE sign down)

Speech: No words yet. But he continues to converse in his own language with EVERYBODY!

Other: Nico's 4 molars are ALL IN!!! He is ready to chow down on a cow! He's started to take interest in books...He will sit, open them, and look through them on his own (even though they are upside down, lol). When he walks, he pries my hand off so that he can walk by himself....he doesn't want me to help him anymore....he's just 14months!!
I just slid that in but I forgot to make such a big deal about it: NICO STARTED WALKING THIS MONTH!!!!!--a couple days after his 13th month birthday =).

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.