Monday, August 29, 2011

Palm Springs Mini Dessert Vacation

We found a really Great GROUPON for LaQuinta Resort in Palm Springs. So we decided to close Peter's Birthday week by heading out for a little Mini Dessert Vacation.

Since Nico fell asleep when we were 30 mins away from the Resort, we decided to go drive through JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK.

We got to see it RAIN in the dessert as we were driving in...which really cooled things off and made it walkable.
Nico WAS HOT! We got Nico a Hippie shirt at the JOSHUA TREE STORE so his skin wouldn't burn off!

We stopped at a LOOK OUT at the Highest point in the Park. There were these crazy BEEs that were attracted to the air-conditioner fluid that dripped from the cars...I was super scared that they were going to sting me or Nico!!
Then we stopped at a little trail on our way out of the PARK. It was actually walkable since it had just rained. It was actually kind of nice.

THEN we got on the road and headed to our RESORT!!! Where we stayed Sunday Night and All Monday...hanging out by the pool, eating, soaking in the RAYs and the HOT WATER!

By 5pm the Next day...we were all ready to go HOME!!! to our cooooolllllll and refreshing HOME!!
We went from: to:
What a difference!!!
We had so much fun celebrating daddy's Birthday at the dessert oasis!
Here is the link to the Slideshow below:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Clear sunny day at the Beach!

What's not to love?
Yesterday we went to the beach for a little before Nico's "nap-time". It was just a regular Saturday morning. I sat on my towel and looked around at my life...and I love it. Most importantly because I love these two boys with my whole heart!
Sometimes we let life fog our vision and make us come up with excuses to complain about the "hand we've been dealt" but there are moments when the marine layer clears and we see JUST HOW BEAUTIFUL our life really is....
I love clear sunny days!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Yesterday I got to Hangout with Nico and Lorena all day and then go to Dinner and SALSA Dancing with Peter!
It was an AMAZING DAY!

So our Friday Fun Day entailed:
Running to the Farmer's Market to get some raspberry and blueberry Scones and some fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. As we were getting home, Lorena and her dad were arriving.

We walked inside and got settled in---and they eat grabbed a book and did some reading. Then Nico thought he should teach Lorena his FAVORITE WORD: CAR, so he started practicing it with her--by pointing and repeating.

We played with BLOCKS and Balls with the neighbors---a scene out of chuck-e-cheese FOR SURE! They had a blast running around the newly remodeled spacious living room =).

Lunch went super well---They BOTH ATE ALOT!! And kept asking for MORE!! Until I had to draw the line and say: Enough is
When they got up from their naps we took a little walk in the double bike stroller we have. A couple weeks ago Lorena didn't really like that idea but yesterday she didn't seem to mind and I would venture to say she even liked it...hahaha. When we got to the beach I gave them their little snacks and then let them loose to run around.

When we got home we did some coloring. I taped the pieces of paper down to the table so they wouldn't move when these guys were coloring....but Nico insisted on coloring the table and the piece of tape---instead of the BIG WHITE SHEET. He eventually missed the table enough times that it looks like he colored the paper.
Later that evening we got DRESSED UP and went on a DATE! To continue celebrating Peter's Birthday week! We took the Water Bus across the Marina to THE WAREHOUSE. The food was DELICOUS and FAST!!!
They even brought us a complimentary CHEESECAKE for Peter's Birthday. "Coincidently" they also had Salsa Classes from 9-10 (which we missed because we were eating) and then a LIVE BAND until 2 am---WHAT? I had NO IDEA, hehehehe. We even had a Salsa dancing little angel looking over our shoulder while we danced counting for US...1, 2, 3...5, 6, 7....don't ask us where the 4 and the 8 go in Salsa cause we HAVE NO IDEA.

We made it out until 11:30,took the Water Bus back home,and had a GREAT TIME!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy birthday PAPA!!!!

Happy Birthday Papacito!
(Card made by Abuelito Rodriguez)
I'm so happy we could celebrate together YOUR YOUR SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WEEK. All I want is to see you happy and feel loved and appreciated for BEING YOU!

Bet you never expected to be celebrating your 26th Birthday at A RUNNER PARTY,lol! Hope you had fun and are ready for the rest of your Birthday WEEK Celebrations!

So far this week we've gone surfing with Peter in the morning, then to a yummy breakfast, Nico and Mommy made papa a SEAFOOD PAELLA, . We celebrated Peter's actual birthday evening at the MDR Run Club event and had a great time--We even got a FREE ICE CREAM with candles!!!!
Nico even fell asleep in the stroller so Papa could celebrate his birthday a little more!

The week still has a couple more activities in store---Concert on the Pier tonight in Santa Monica with Friends, Friday dinner with ME!, and Sunday a SWEET GROUPON SPONSORED DESSERT GETAWAY in Palm Springs at a Resort and SPA!!!

What You Get

  • A one-night weekday stay for two in a Deluxe Casita poolside room
  • Included in all options:
  • Two draft beers or margaritas
  • Daily valet parking
  • Two one-day spa passes for use of the steam room and relaxation room
  • Resort fee


  • Dozens of pools & jacuzzis
  • Two championship golf courses
  • Full-service luxury spa on-site
  • Six distinct restaurants
  • Multiple tennis courts & fitness center
  • Shopping plaza
  • Special pet accommodations

We are VERY EXCITED!!!!! I love birthdays!
I hope you are having a great week amorcito!

Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.