Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2 years ago today...

In the Rodriguez Household we have a disease called...DATE-ITIS. It's this thing where we like to celebrate different "anniversary" milestones. At first you might not think it to be a problem but when u are reminded of your first kiss anniversary, first date anniversary, first...blah blah blah...you get it....It can get a little tricky to keep track of it all---but we are good at reminding the Men in our lives (especially Manuela) of these DATES.

Today, two years ago I arrived from Panama. I was tempted to say JUST two years ago, since it's only half of High school...but at the same time, 2 years can be an entire Peace Corps Experience, and for us...it seems a LIFETIME ago--Literally...Nico's lifetime.

So, as I was saying...I stepped off a plane at Miami International Airport into the arms of the person who's love, motivation, and support got me through the hardest times(in my life till that point)...with a stick horse, balloons, and the hug that I had dreamt about for months.
"I left one life behind to come start a new one with Peter."
I was scared and nervous about our NEW ROLES as MOMMY and DADDY but SO EXCITED to be in his arms again--the place that for 4 years has been-HOME, cause home is where the heart is. He whispered into my ear. "I love you,, Bella....TRUST ME...everything will be okay".

In high school (and my OLLA girls can attest to this), we had a religion teacher-MR. ARTIZ, who made us repeat this statement throughout the year until we memorized it:
It's amazing how much strength this kind of LOVE can give you---the strength to believe in things that seem impossible, the courage to move to new places (yes PLURAL), and the patience to know that no matter what happens..."Everything will be OKAY". It's extra nice though when that Act of the Will makes you feel all tingly inside, makes your heart skip a beat, and brings a smile to your face, when you feel that your choice is giving you the chance to live and grow next to a person who makes you try to be better everyday and gave you the MOST amazing gift---the gift of mommyhood.

So if it wasn't 8:45am I would cheers to those moments that stay frozen in time in our hearts and minds---not that i'm judging if you would cheers at this time (wink wink).

Tomorrow, Nico and I head back home. I can't wait to see my little pumpkin run into Papa's arms...and then have my turn to be in my favorite place in the world---Peter's arms.

1 comment:

Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.