Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pre-Halloween costume try-outs

Yesterday we tested our babies halloween costumes to get a glimpse of what will go down on halloween in 2 weeks.
It was a lot of fun and a little complicated to get 5 babies IN COSTUMES to sit and look at the camera. This is as close as we got...(thanks stephanie for the picture)

From Left to right:
Cash was a little wobbling bear (cub) who looked so cute in his comfy body suit.
Anderson (the tiger) had been taking a nap and woke up to a mini-jungle infront of him.
Henry was an adorableeeee PUMPKIN. So calmly, he sat and watched all the crazies around him pull of eachother's costumes, fall back, crawl forward....but he sat firmly in his spot and smiles for all the cameras.
Nico, although the costumes did slow him down, was crawling all over the place in his monkey suit.
Isaac was little red pepper! I think his costume said something like "I'm Hot Stuff", hahaha.
Here are some other pictures of the foto shoots!!!!

The costumes past the baby test!!!!!
However, they wore the costumes for a wopping 15 minutes. We are going to have to choose wisely on halloween what 15 minutes we're gonna dress up for lol.
Nico did sweat a little yesterday in those 15 minutes. I hope it'll be cool in Miami on Halloween....if not, we might have to look for plan B.
Check out this HALLOWEEN STORY that one of the mommy friends posted on her blog! Nico and his friends are the's really cute!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.