Friday, October 15, 2010

Nico is 9 months old!!!

Nico turned 9 months old TODAY!!!
Eating Habits: He's still eating at 9am, 1pm, and 5pm, about 4-5oz of food. He loves CHEERIOS which seems to be all he wants to eat lately. He now has 6 teeth!!!!
Doctor today says we can cut up the steamed vegetables for him to eat, give him regular yogurt, little cheese cubes for him to bite, and little pieces of meat.

Motor Skills: He is clapping!!! Crawling, kneeling, standing up, and as of today, using living room furniture to take steps!!! He still loves hide and seek/ pica-boo. He is getting great at actually playing with his toys, not just eating them! The biting continues...=(

Emotional changes: The clingginess continues! I haven't seen any ANGER lately, which I hope is a sign of great He continues to recognize more people (i think).

Sleeping habits: He is doing really well! waking up maybe once at night, but a lot of nights right through!!

Speech: No words yet or sign language-though I try signing to him whenever I remember to and ALWAYS when we are eating...Comida...MAS. We continue hearing dadadada, jajaja, yayaya, and have started to hear MAMAMAMA sounds!!!!!!!!!!!

Other: Hanging out with Nico and his friends has become a lot more FUN...they are actually playing together, looking at eachother, making noises at eachother...So Adorable!
He's also getting bigger so hugging him is a lot easier and

Last night I lay awake in bed at 1:50am and I realized that 9 months ago I was laying awake (on a hospital bed not so far away) with NO IDEA how INCREDIBLY AMAZING my life would become with the arrival of my pumpkin head!!
Thank you Nico for being so funny, loving, and special!

Today we went to a pumpkin patch with Nico's friend, Jackson. It was a lot of fun!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.