Sunday, October 3, 2010

October is here!

It's been too LONG!! I have so much to post about...
I'll catch up on the last weeks of September, but first we must address: OCTOBER IS HERE!
The weather has been gorgeous, FALL is definitely in the air!

Friday October 1st was Peter's LAST DAY as an Applications Engineer. He and the other NEW SALESMEN celebrated with the department at a little Happy Hour at work and then a POST-Dinner Party. 2 years in the department and Peter is ready to start his training for his new position.

Saturday was a great day that ENDED MISERABLY. We started out at Town Lake where Julia (a mommy friend) and her son, Jackson, met up with us for a 6 mile run. We got to enjoy about 1, 2 mile stretch without interruptions from our peeewee coaches...but I still had a great time.
Then we enjoyed breakfast tacos, scones, fresh apple cider, and coffee at the Farmer's Market...super Austin!
On our way home we stopped by the green-belt for a little hike. The water was crystal clear, cool but not freezing, and the light-blue sky was clear....making for a picture-perfect back drop.
Peter went to home depot and got some buckets for us to start COMPOSTING in our apartment. We are just missing some red wigglers (worms) for our project to be on it's way! We found out that Austin plans on being 90% waste free by 2040. It's kind of an exciting initiative!
Even though we had a great set up in our BBQ/Pool area, with Burgers, TV, Chili, Hammock, and friends...our UF football party SUCKED. I don't think I'd ever seen our team play SOOO TERRIBLY. It made me really sad.
Sunday, we went for a little run around our neighborhood (as a family!). Then the adventures began! First we stopped by Ashish's house to meet his NEW CHICKS. He built a chicken coop the other day and just got his chickens in....Nico was trying to pet (hit) them, so I had to intervene and say the chicks.There, we met up with more of Peter's work friends and we headed to Bull Creek (where we were the day before, but we entered the trail at a different location. We were ready for a day of adventure...and it was. We went rock climbing!!! At first I was a little nervous but once I got up there, I realized it was a lot of fun...I was just too weak. I want to get stronger and come back. We spent all afternoon out there and saw about 60 other climbers. To get up those walls you need to be STRONG(fingers/upper-body), FLEXIBLE, not scared of heights, and super CREATIVE!!
Goshhhh I love Austin. I'm really going to miss it here!
We have to take advantage of our last months here!!!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.