Friday, January 27, 2012


As you have been able to see on MY BOOK PAGE, the writing of this book has been a process. A process that's had it's ups and downs. A process that has let me down a couple times...but a process that has surprised me and reenergized me at points as well.

What I am most proud of is that I BELIEVED in my book! I believed in my vision! I let that belief guide my decisions, and NOT SETTLE for a version any less than what I would be proud to have my name on!

I didn't do it alone. Nico and our family and friends (far and near) inspired the actual idea. The encouragement of my family and (mom) friends helped me believe that the idea was worth pursuing. Peter helped me purchase the package that made the process OFFICIAL and was unknowingly and unintentionally my BIGGEST Motivator.  But I must admit that I wouldn't have been able to do it without my friend PRISCILLA SHAKUR. She helped mold my diamond in the rough into the actual GEM that is this final product.

The Publishing company itself hasn't been the easiest to work with but my author service representative, GLEN BRYCE, has been extremely cooperative and helpful, saving face for the publishing experience.

So what's the update?
THE FINAL GALLEY of the book was sent to me for approval yesterday...and I APPROVED!
Price has been set- $21.99 for Soft Cover and $31.99 for Hardcover

I know the price is a little more than I would pay for a book for Nico...but I have bought him a couple SPECIAL BOOKS for his collection....Like: Let's Do NothingTy CooneyLet's Race and I've really appreciated meeting the authors and getting their signature in the books, and hearing about their process. I hope that family, and friends, and family of friends and friends of family will like this book and want to share it with the ones they love.

What I want most is to share OUR STORY...and that one day Nico can be PROUD of having a mom that turns her dreams into reality, that takes life's lemons and makes lemonade...and that LOVES her life more each day because he is in it!

***Stay tuned...Website will be up soon for you to explore your purchase options***

1 comment:


    You should be so proud of you too.

    I can't wait to own your (first) book!


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.