Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Monica and Dylan invited us to a MUSIC TOGETHER CLASS.
I, for one, am tone-def....I can barely clap in rhythm with music...which is a TERRIBLE characteristic of a MOM! The songs were simple but I just couldn't really make any pleasing sounds...very frustrating, but NICO HAD A BLAST!

He made friends instantaneously! The ladies in the class, LOVED HIM and HIS CELL PHONE!
From 1008 7 month old Nico
From 1008 7 month old Nico

From 1008 7 month old Nico
Here is a little video of the class. You might see it and think that it is complete chaos, but us mommies in the class just heard our babies playing in their first symphony!!

Last friday Nico and Mommy Volunteered at Monica/Tom/Dylan's Food Pantry.
Nico, on my lap, helped me translate for the people that were coming into to the Food Pantry looking for FOOD. Nico put everyone in a great mood with his smiles!! However, it was very tiring and overwhelming experience. To see families with 5 and 6 kids and picking up 2 boxes of food for the NEXT MONTH, was difficult. It made me realize that we do have SO MUCH...and that we worry about things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Seeing those women/men/ children, made me want to help them HELP THEMSELVES so that they can CHANGE their own situations...but for now, I don't know how, so I want to keep helping them by translating, smiling, and having conversations with them...Maybe along the way, an idea will dawn on me.
Nico and I are planning on volunteering on Fridays from 2-4pm

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.