Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy 7 months

Nico is 7 months old today!!!
His Birthday gift was a HIGH CHAIR!!!
Some of the things he's up to:
  • Eating habits: he's eating great: 9am and 4pm, about 2.5 oz of food at each of those meals. He has also eaten real peaches and strawberries in this little net thing that my friend gave us. My milk supply feels like it has significantly reduced but breastfeeding him is still
  • Motor Skills: he's crawling; he can switch from crawling to sitting and back again; he's reaching for things; switches objects from one hand to another; looks around at people and things (very curious); he sits in front of the toy box in the living room and tilts it toward him to rummage through the toys and pick what he wants to play with.
  • Emotional changes: Has become a little more clingy...crying a little more when I'm out of sight; We have also seen a new emotion recently, anger. He throws things, bends backwards, puts his hands on his head and over his face, flings his hands up and down, and screeches. He is also starting to recognize more people (I think).
  • Sleeping habits: No he's not sleeping thorough the night...People keep asking me that! He has slept a couple times but nothing consistent. He wakes up about 1 a night and then close to 5:30 or 6 am. It's not too bad most nights =).
  • Speech: his lungs have definitely developed...he's a lot louder and a lot more vocal (dadadada, jajaja, yayaya, but still no MAMA sounds )
  • Other: Still loves the water which includes pool time, bath time, and just drinking it out of a water bottle

1 comment:


    Tia loves you with her whole heart!!! Miss you~~


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.