Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy 2 weeks!

Nico's 2 weeks old!

So crazy to think of all the things that have happened in the last 2 weeks. Nights and days have seemed to merge into one, divided by sporatic naps at odd times, in odd positions and places. Peter and I have learned a lot about Nico and each other.
For me, I can say that there have been a little more tears that I thought I would have. Hearing Nico cry at 3am after being changed and fed for almost 1 hour and 1/2 and with no hopes of him going to sleep any time soon....makes it really difficult to stay positive. But then I try to remember that he has to sleep at some point, and I remind myself that there will be a day when I get sleep
However, I must say that when he is still and quiet, I'm still not relaxed or calm. Since he sleeps right next to us in his crib, I place my hand on his chest sometimes just to feel is he is breathing. Sometimes it's to make sure he's okay, sometimes it's to make me feel okay...crazy how I need him almost as much of more than he needs me now.

Peter has been so helpful, loving, and concerned for me and Nico. He constantly reminds me to get out of the house, go walk, go do Yoga, take a NAP, and eat. It sounds silly but you even forget to do the simplest things. I love them both more and more each day.

Last week Peter's parents were in town visiting us.
We went to the park. It was only 1 mile, yet it was pretty difficult...almost too intense for me. We took a break at the park and walked back...a little slower.

We also went to Mass on Sunday. Our first mass together. It was great. Of course all I could think of was all the germs running around that might get on Nico. I just prayed that God would keep him safe.

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.