Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Vendor at the South Miami Farmer's Market

In the past 2 cities I've had the opportunity to live....AUSTIN and LA, Farmer's Markets have been a HUGE part of the community's culture--and our lifestyle. In Austin it was our meeting place for our running friends and a great place to socialize and meetup with baby friends and their mommas. In LA, there were farmer's markets all around us. We'd go during the week for scrumptious raspberry and white chocolate scones, and fresh OJ. We'd also go on the weekends for Nico to get the chance to pet different animals or ride the pony's in Santa Monica.

With Nico being the GRANOLA BABY that i've created who LOVES pumpkin bread and actually knows what a SCONE is...I knew that as we transitioned into our NEW HOME...the FM needed to be in the PICTURE. So....NATURALLY I started looking for Farmer's Markets around Miami. The closest one to my parent's house is the South Miami Farmer's Market.

This morning we went by, just to check out our new LOCAL FARMER'S MARKET. Though it was small--it had all the components of what we love about FM....eccentric people, MOUTH WATERING snacks, music, different delicious breads, other kids, and healthy yummy fruits and veggies!!! Nico enjoyed himself as usual....feeling right at home among the different stands.

This time, however was a little different!!!! After Nico and I explored the FM, we found a stand with 2 returned peace Corps volunteers (one served in COLOMBIA). In our conversation I was able to learn a little more about the South Florida Chapter of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and some of their upcoming events! Besides that, my book came up. They introduced me to the Market coordinator and GUESS WHAT?!?!?!


Starting April 14th, I will have a stand! My books will be available for purchase there. I will also have activities for kids! I can't wait. I will be there for the next 5 weekends before the SoMi FM closes for the summer. I'm beyond excited about this opportunity! What a great way to kick start this EASTER WEEKEND!

Please tell your friends! Saturdays from 9am to 2pm for the next 5 weeks, starting NEXT WEEKEND---I will be at the SOUTH MIAMI Farmer's Market!!!

6130 Sunset Dr
South Miami, FL 33143
(919) 308-5565

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.