Tuesday, April 17, 2012

27 months

Happy 27 Months Buggarhead!
THis is our first MONTHLY UPDATE as FLORIDA Residents! Though consistency is what is recommended in this time--Nico's had consistent INCONSISTENCY- at least something's consistent..lol. I've been trying to provide some consistency among all the changes that have happend. I'm hoping to soon get into a better routine! I know I keep saying that but changes keep coming my way that are hard to tackle and remain on a "schedule". Nico's been doing GREAT despite the chaos.
This month has been a talking month and a POTTY month!!
Talking update: He's a little chatter box this man...he is clearly getting his point across

  • Apaga la luz (Turn off the light)
  • Prende la luz (turn on the light)
  • Ven snoopy (come here, Snoopy)--first phrase when we moved back to Miami. Nico and snoopy...well i should say Nico has reached a new level of playing. He has been chasing Snoopy all around, "walking him" at night before bedtime, playing Hide and seek with him.
  • Quitalo---take it away.
  • Regalo de Tia
  • Ucho Gusto...YO SOY ICO!
  • He can also SPELL his name...incorrectly...lol. He's says Enne(n), CEEE(c), OOOO(o)-- ICO ICO ICO!
  • There are so many more things that he says, but i'll try and write them down to add them here before next month!
Potty Training UPDATE:
So I wasn't planning on potty training him yet, but one day a couple days ago, my mom (a preschool teacher) walked with Nico to the bathroom and sat him down, told him to pipi, flush, wash his hands and then put a smily face on his hand! She thought he was already doing it, so she didn't think much of it. When she told me, I just about FELL BACK! A couple hours later I got to see it for myself!!
At every diaper change now, we let him sit and go to the bathroom. We haven't gotten rid of diapers and aren't pushing the process, we are casually allowing the process do it's thing =). Nico can now wear his LIGHTING UNDIES for about 1-2 hours a day...without DIAPERS =)....proud momma!

I want you to know that I'll always love you! You've brought me strength, smiles, and joy! 27 months is the commitment I was willing to make to be a Peace Corps Volunteer in Panama, I now have living proof of exactly how long 27 months is... it's enough time to fall MADLY IN LOVE! I wanted to change the world and little did I know that the world would change me....by sending me the greatest gift of all---YOU! In a couple years when you're too cool to hug me, I'll remind you of these days when you would fall asleep unless I was there with you. I'll remind you that you would run to me with your arms wide open screaming MAMA MAMA MAMA and I would do the same screaming ICO ICO ICO! In a couple years you won't think I'm very cool....I'll remind you about this time when you pick up the book that momma wrote and say: Nico's Book...Mama's Book....WOWWWWWW. In a couple years you won't think that you're my baby and I'll remind you....TODAY TOMORROW and ALWAYS, you'll be MY LITTLE PUMPKIN HEAD! 

I love you with all my heart!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.