Monday, February 7, 2011

Momma Friends Inspire Me

I wanted to give a little shout out to two very inspiring Baby Momma Friends: Julia and Stephanie! Your boys are beautiful and time consuming and yet you've taken time to make "GIVING" part of your life. I really admire you girls!
Julia and Jackson
Julia, a momma friend, is running the Austin 1/2 marathon on 2/20/11(Just a couple days away). Back in November (2010) she sent out message saying:
This year I'm participating with Team LIVESTRONG at the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon. LIVESTRONG seeks to inspire and empower people affected by cancer, and with Team LIVESTRONG I'm picking a fight with cancer and uniting with others who are interested in making cancer a global priority.
Working at Texas Oncology before the birth of Jackson, showed me the effects cancer has on people. I saw firsthand the toll it takes on individuals, and I also saw their determination and strength. With the holiday season approaching, I want to make it my goal to give back.
Here we are a couple days from the 1/2 marathon and she reached her goal. She raised $500 for theLIVESTRONG foundation! CONGRATS!!

Stephanie and Cash
Another Momma Friend, Stephanie-Cash's mom, started doing this thing called Filanthropy Friday-(yes she misspells it on purpose) this year. Here's what she said about it.
"I was inspired by this article.

Two thousand ten was a wonderful year - Buttin and I truly have everything we need and could ever want. We've always said, you know, we are fortunate, we should donate money (or time). So now we're really going to do it.
Every Friday, I'm going to find a charity that appeals to me and make a small donation (between $5 - $25). I really don't eat lunch out anymore (I did in most of 2009 and half of 2010), so I'm going to donate the money I used to spend on lunch to other causes. I'll also try to find some charities where we can donate our time together as a family."

Not only to my mommy friends have time to be FULL-TIME MOMS, WORK, WORK-OUT, and be AWESOME, but they also find time to CARE about the world around them. This is why I consider myself lucky to be able to call baby momma friends!

They've inspired me to FIND TIME to do something nice for someone.

Funny thing... Peter interrupted me while I was writing this post to talk about out budget/expenses. Our decision to move to LA wasn't necessarily the most financially savvy thing we've done But there is a reason people put up with the HIGH COST of living and RIDICULOUS taxes and CRAZY traffic and BAD roads-->it's always 70 degrees and sunny- plus I can wear my hair down!

So if i'm gonna make my own version of "make a difference" thing work, I'm gonna have to get creative! I'll probably have to go with donating mine and Nico's VERY VALUABLE TIME!

I want to thank my friends for reminding me in the midst of life's craziness to take out some time to do something good for someone else.
If you have child-friendly volunteering ideas...send them over.

Have you asked yourself today :
What do I do to make the world around me a little better?

1 comment:

  1. I do not deserve this recognition, in fact you do, because YOU INSPIRED ME by how much you do, how much you volunteer, how much you have done to make this world a better place, with Nico there every step of the way :) You haven't let having a child stop you from loving, caring, giving,and helping others. You inspired me to make time to help others :)


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.