Saturday, December 25, 2010

Noche Buena

GOOD MORNING!!! Merry Christmas from the WEST COAST!

It's 7:30am and we are still waiting for Nico to GET UP!! The past couple nights (even in Miami) he has been getting up at 4 and 5 I was excited that he was going to be up early. BUT ON CHRISTMAS he decided to adjust he's sleep Peter doesn't mind. He's still sleeping.

This Christmas I've already gotten so many gifts that I'm a little nervous to see if Santa even came by last night to drop ANYTHING ELSE off. In Colombia we had a great time with our families, in Miami we saw more family and got LOTS of gifts--some that i've repacked to put under our tree but SHHHH don't tell anyone, lol.

God and Santa--via their assistant/elf,Peter, gave me the greatest gift of all this Christmas: NICO SAMUEL FLORES! I really can't wait for him to wake up. I'm so in love with him! His faces, muecas, laugh, coughs, inquisitivity-just made it up i think, little/big clothes, all his tricks-hahaha, like i he's a well-trained puppy, and everything else about him too!

Peter also gave me this UNWRAPABLE GIFT---the opportunity to come live here in this BEAUIFUL -paradise-like location that I am amazing that we even LIVE HERE!

Like a lot of you predicted...we made friends already! For Noche Buena we were invited to a friend of a friend's house in Encino. And guess what----there were two mommies!! A new mommy- (mother of 1 month-old baby girl), and a 8 month old mommy to be of ANOTHER BABY GIRL! They invited us over for a PARTY- that started at 8pm!!! Us feeling super crazy we said yes....and it worked out great. This is how the evening went down.

We went for a little walk at 5pm--to our beach...
Nico ate dinner while we were talking to Peter's family on Skype from our complex community area.
Then he drank his milk on the walk to the apartment (1 minute) and he FELL ASLEEP.
Peter and I both fell asleep when we got to the apartment too, only to wake up 1 1/2 hours later realizing that we were going to be super late to the Noche Buena dinner we had been invited to.
We got ready with the clothes we could find...that wasn't still packed.
We transfered Nico from the stroller to the car seat, packed up the play pen and went to pick Charlie up ( Peter's co-worker, and our friend from Austin).
We arrived 1 hour late to the weird right, lol.
We met ALL THESE SUPER FUN, HAPPY, Venezuelens- 3 of which live in LA, 2 live in San Fran, 2 lived in New York, 1 in Nice, France, and 1 in Caracas, Venezuela.
Nico went directly upstairs to a quiet room...we set up the baby monitor and went down stairs to the party...SO FUN! The food was delicious and the company was very entertaining!
When we were leaving, Nico woke up for a little just to show off his cuteness to our new friends... Then fell right to sleep on the way home when I told him that if he sees the gifts santa left for him, the gifts would I didn't say that. I don't want to traumatize Nico like my parents did to estoy traumatizada. Me encanta como nos celebraban la Navidad y todas las cosas que nos explicaban de Santa y como entraba a la casa sin chimenea...hahaha- Gracias por hacer la Navidad una occasion tan especial todos los anos!

When we got home, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse (thank God!) Nico went straight to bed and SO DID WE for the BIG MORNING!!! TODAY!
OHhhhh...what perfect timing, I hear Nico Roaring like a little dino in his room!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Feliz Navidad!!!!!

Here is a slide show:

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.