Friday, November 19, 2010


There were a lot of people around Austin with jeans, sneakers, and a plethera of sports jackets cause there was a huge Conference/Expo this week, Nov. 15-18, called, The Running Event (TRE). I got in with a PRESS PASS( was really cool!
From 1110 The Running Event
Everyone who’s anyone in the running retail world was here. Just kidding, but there were 200 difference retail attendees, as well as a wide range of exhibitors that include the latest fashions in racing flats, joggers, running skirts, compression socks, snacks, refueling drinks, running accessories, sports watches, and so much more.
The biggest buzz I must say was the whole barefoot running thing-Either really light running shoes or NO SHOES at all...the main focus is being turned from the shoes to YOUR FORM. There was a lot of talk of heel striking and "loud" running. Everyone had their own "RIGHT WAY" to be a minimalist runner. Personally-I still think that barefoot running is a little crazy...but I like the idea of moving toward lighter running/training shoes. Building foot strength before doing so is CRUCIAL! All those wanna-be minimalist who are throwing their pegasus and other trainers away NEED TO start booking their appointments with Physical Therapists...cause they are all INJURIES WAITING TO HAPPEN!
Well anyway... That's my 5 cents on the topic...take it for what it's worth (what do I know, I've only been running for 18 years-lol).
Here are some highlights from TRE!
1. We met: Meb Keflezighi who won the 2009 NYC Marathon!!(He's the one between Lindsay and Kelly, i'm standing next to his brother.)
From 1110 The Running Event
2. Got to hang out with college friends. Lindsay, won the Indie 16:42. Julia went to see her teammate Jessica (FSU).
3. Met lots of really innovative start up companies: check them out!!
4. Did some networking for possible jobs in LA with New Balance.

5. Got a bunch of COOL STUFF: Nike LunarEclipse+ for Peter, compression socks( different styles), got a pair of orthotics, running socks, IPHONE hand-holder for running, a running skirt (which i really like but haven't used for running yet), arm warmers, Runner's World Magazine, goggles(2 pairs-thanks Ashish), discount cards to purchase items at wholesale price, and a BOOK, signed by the author: Natural Running, by Danny Abshire.
6. Interviewed a lot of people for articles...they will be up soon so check them out:

It was a really cool week! And my assistant, Nico, did great...awesome ICE BREAKER and made everyone feel more comfortable...and happy, cause he made everyone laugh!

1 comment:

  1. I feel special that I knew about this post before it was up. I enjoyed talking to you the other day. The event looks like a great get fired up about running event.


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.