Monday, November 15, 2010

10 months old!!!

Nico turned 10 months old yesterday!!!!
Eating habits: He is eating chunks of fruit now, along with all the other foods he was eating before. He has gotten really good at putting the chunks in his mouth (whether bananas or cherrios). Has 8 HUGE TEETH!! And he keeps biting everything-- my shoulder,my fingers, my arms, blankets, toys, his clothes....EVERYTHING. I hope it's because he's teething...or at least that's what i'm telling myself!
Motor Skills: he is standing, walking along furniture, carefully plopping to the ground, reaching for things(especially things that are higher up). He is very curious and inquisitive. He puts his toys into over toys, he puts his toy train together--and apart, he uses the new tools he has to do just about everything!
Emotional changes: Mom-itis is at an all time high...but I don't
Sleeping habits:He's consistently sleeping through the night with the ocasional "hungry" awakening. His sleep-time schedule and whole schedule has been off for the past month, so I don't blame him for being out-of-wack...but he's doing great.
Speech: There are a world of new compound sounds coming out of his little mouth. He also has an extremely high pitched screech!
Other: He's wearing shoes!!! he's a big boy! I'm so in-love.

Happy 10 month birthday Nicolon!!!! MUAHHHHHHH!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Gordo!

    It really has been amazing watching you grow and learn. Another thing that is pretty interesting is that he has NO desire to imitate others.

    At one point he was clapping his hands whenever he saw us do it. Now, he is too cool for that and just gazes and snickers when we wave HI or BYE, try high five, do touchdown, or any of the sign language signals (more, food, diaper, milk, etc).

    Just knowing my personality, I can imagine I might've been the same way. It will be interesting trying to teach him things when he is thinking "I will learn what I want!"

  2. Yay! Happy day Nico! And Samuel's is today! =D Hey Valeria, I fixed my feed, so I think the link is working now. Thanks for making me aware of that!

    Haha, Peter's comments remind me of Samuel.


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.