Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nico Started Daycare this week!!!!

This has been a BIG week for Nico (read ME). He started Daycare on Monday. They recommended that the first to weeks he go everyday for a couple hours to get used to the new environment and then after that he can start his routine (2x a week for a couple hours).
Let's start by being honest! MY HEART IS DANGLING BY THE LAST ARTERY here. Seeing him screeching and in tears as I headed towards the door has been one of the hardest things to handle next to seeing him throw up for no reason, and delivery(hahah, just kidding....not like delivery---I don't think anything will ever be THAT painful). But whatever---it has been really hard.
Day 1- Mommy and Daddy both that mommy would actually leave

Day2- His friend Lorena was there and He did a better.
Day3- Mrs. Cathy told me that he barely cried today when Peter dropped him off (probably a lie, but it made me feel a little better). When I got there he was as happy as a button (probably not the right way to use that incorrect expression--but anyway...he was HAPPY and NOT CRYING).He actually said buh bye with a smile to everyone as we walked out....SUCH A BIG BOY

It's crazy cause just yesterday Peter and I were seriously discussing taking him out and waiting a couple more months to try again later---you must be thinking, crazy mom eyyy...already rushing to take her child out of daycare because he shed a couple tears--WELL YES, THAT'S ME!.

BUT today when I walked in...I thought, maybe i'm rushing. Maybe 2 days a week will be fun for him and a great opportunity for me to FOCUS on MY CHILDREN'S book.....which by the way is one step closer toward the REAL side than the DREAM side! Peter and I have been contemplating the Self-Publishing route through Xlibris. They have a really great packages that would help me get the book going....but that's a whole other post.

But anyway, back to Nico and daycare....He has been doing better everyday--and so have I. It really helped today that Peter dropped Nico off. The daycare people say that he vocalizes all the words really well and is great at repeating everything he hears =). They also say that he is really friendly with all the kids in his class. Maybe this will turn out to be a great new step for us where I will be able to work on a making my dream a reality and Nico will have time away from me to play with friends, learn to share, and be in a different setting.

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.