Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Miles!!!

Miles, one Nico's friend from Austin, turned 1 yesterday.
Happy Birthday Miles!!!
Hope you had a great day!!!!

Congrats Laurel and Tim on making it through the first year successfully. I see you all had a great time celebrating with Miles' new friends.

Nico asked me to post this for note he wrote to his friend:

Dear Miles,

I am really excited that I get to see you in a couple months, even if it's only for a couple hours! My mom is really excited too! Lots of stuff has happend since we last talked on skype. I hear you are walking? How's that? I've looked into it but I'm not really interested right should see how fast I get to things when I'm crawling!

I've discovered this amazing thing my mom calls sand! It is AWEEEESOMEEE. I mean this is better than warm milk! My mom takes me to play in it all the time and I LOVE IT. When you come visit I'll tell her to take us to it. If you don't have any in malaysia, let me know...I'll have my mom email some to your mom.

Hope we can play with our blocks again soon on skype! I was thinking about you yesterday but didn't have a computer handy to write you this note. Happy 1st birthday dude! Welcome to the club!



  1. Dear Nico,

    Thanks, dude! It was a great birthday. Mom made me this stuff called cake. Aumph! It was awesome! They had totally been holding out on me! Wonder what else I've been missing out on? I went looking around for good stuff the toilet, under the sink, behind dad's nightstand - lots of good stuff, but no cake. I'm sleepy now, but I will resume my search tomorrow.

    Know what's the greatest thing about being one? There are now younger girls! They look up to us as the mature and sophisticated ones - we have shoes and hair and I heard you even got some wheels! Woot woot!

    Can't wait to see your digs in LA. Count me in for the sand plans.

    Love ya brah.


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.