Sunday, January 16, 2011

12 month UPDATE

21lbs 11.5 oz
Eating Habits: He likes feeding himself little cubes of fruit, and veggies, and PUFFS. He also recently starting drinking COW's MILK!!!! We are easing him into it so we mix it in with his formula...but he seems to LIKE IT!

Motor Skills: He isn't walking yet. He stands (holding onto things), he walks along the furniture...but no signs of being interested in walking anytime soon, we'll see.
He can do a whole bunch of different "signs". Not the ones you find in baby books like more or thank you....but TOUCHDOWN- he puts his hands in the air; BESITO- he puts his hand over his mouth(and whole face actually) and goes MMMMUUUAAAAAHHHHH; He claps when you say YAYYYY;He waves BYE BYE; and his favorite of all....HE POINTS AT EVERYTHING! He hasn't gotten the memo that pointing is RUDE, lol.

SLeeping Habits: He's adjusted well to our NEW HOME. He had a couple rough nights at the beginning but is consistently sleeping through the night.

Speech: We hear LOTS of baby talk...tingly tingly tingly, diggy diggy diggy, googa googuu--ALL DAY LONG. He even looks at us, tilts his head, points at things and GABBERS his head off about it. It's ADORABLE

Other: He loves playing with sand! Throwing it in the air, crawling really fast without really lifting his has from the ground but gliding them through the sand so as to push sand forward and up all around, he gets super excited when the waves get really makes him laugh and his legs and arms FLAL all around. He continues to be a REALLY FUNNY child- when he laughs, he shows all his little teeth, it's so cute. He also loves hugging his stuffed animals lately.

This year been a whirlwind of adventure. Somedays eternal, some too fast, and we are already here-CELEBRATING the BIG 1. THANK YOU NICO for BEING YOU!! You've brought us sooo much happiness and LOVE!!!!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.