Sunday, June 13, 2010

An Inspirational coach receives a Home Makeover

I am in tears watching Extreme Makeover Home edition about a coach with ALS, a generative neurological disease that is slowly deteriorating his body. The guests on the show are the family that inspired the creation of the movie, " The Blind Side".

Watching this coach talk about NEVER GIVING UP makes me wonder where he gets the strength to coach and encourage his players and all those around him when he himself is struggling with so much?!?!? The coach said that sports teach kids: character, integrity, and discipline, three of the most important personality traits that are needed for success.It is such an inspirational episode that will probably bring everyone who see it to tears.

Shows like this make me want to do something really great and helpful with my life. I feel that I started quenching that thirst in me when I was in Panama but it's starting to creep back in. I have this unsettling feeling inside, this anxiousness deep within me that i'm wasting valuable time that I could be investing in being part of something SPECIAL! I want Nico to grow up with a mom who is full filled in all aspects of her life. I'm aware of how lucky i am to have the happiest, healthiest, cutest little family that I can wrap my arms around, but there are times when I wonder about those dreams that I have always had. I wonder if they are getting lost in the scramble and commotion of what my life is now. There is always something that needs to be taken care of AT THE MOMENT, whether it's Nico's diaper, a feeding, groceries, dinner, laundry, organizing, going to teach, shower, or EAT. Looking ahead, thinking long term or outside the box, current moment, is very difficult, almost impossible.

Peter asked me where I saw myself in 5 years. It took me a really LONG time to even come up with an answer. If you would have asked me this question 1 year ago I would have had a completely different answer, but at least I would have come up with it faster, because I was living in the moment with my eyes set on that future goal of mine.

I'm not upset that I can't differentiate my academic/professional goals from my life goals because I feel that only if the goals in all aspects of your life align, is it possible to attain them. No aspect should overpower the other so much that you lose sight of what truly important in your life....and to me from now on, its the happiness and unity of my family. I have to work-in my work goals, athletic goals, and artistic goals into that equation.

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.