Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our weekend...

This past weekend was filled with fun, exercise, building, and kicking!

The weekend started with a MOVIE DATE to watch COUPLES RETREAT. http://www.couplesretreatmovie.com/#/film
The movie was very funny in a real/scary sort of way.
Earlier that morning, we went to see Dr. ENG again. She did a glucose test on me and measured my stomach...27cm. I now weigh 145.2 lbs. She checked the heart beat, and said that everything looked great. Now my appointments are going to be every 2 weeks!!
Saturday morning we went to TOWN LAKE where I met my first pregnant runner friend. I met her through a friend of a friend. She is 24/25 weeks pregnant but barely showing. She had invited me to go run with her but I just couldn't. I tried for a couple minutes but then got cramps....I couldn't hang and had to WALK!

In college, when I crashed my scooter freshman year, I was more focused than ever during my recovering to get back into the best shape of my life. I didn't want people to say that I was a good runner...UNTIL the accident. My best cross-country and track seasons came soon after being cleared to run again. I broke into top 3 on the cross-country team and I broke 5 minutes in the mile. Now, once again, I am storing this "WANT" to run so that once I can run, I will USE it to get back into great shape. I don't want people to say, USED to be a good runner.

It was emotionally really hard to have to accept that I COULDN'T RUN! But it was nice to have someone to talk to about pregnant things....while exercising. We also talked about how much we were looking forward to running with our strollers and PASSING people in races...hehehe
I ended up walking ~3 miles

Cool thing too is that her and her husband (who works at NI with Peter) also started Bradley classes last week! After the walk, we met up with Peter, Ashish and her husband who were all running and went to BREAKFAST....yummy yummy breakfast tacos!

After town lake, I only had energy to NAP! When we got up, we went to IKEA to pick out the dinning/office area furniture! We went through a million and 1 ideas, and finally came out with our furniture.

For the UF/LSU game, we went to Ashish and Travis's house. Fortunately, the gators won! I was a little nervous since TIM got hurt a couple weeks ago, but everything is was fine...=)

Sunday we built our customized IKEA furniture and went to meet the new group of people that started working at NI this week. The dining/office area is still not finished, but at least it is in place. I can't wait till it's ready so we can start clearing out the baby's room and leave it ONLY WITH BABY STUFF!!!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.