Saturday, July 30, 2011

End of July...well, almost

The last days of July were full of usual...And there are still 2 days left! Today and tomorrow there are FREE concerts in the Marina and in Playa Vista that we are going to try to go to as we enjoy the last couple days of Abuelita's visit!

We got a visit from Al:
He was in town for a couple days training with some other BIG SHOTS before heading out to Argentina to play for the Dominican National Team and see if they qualify for the Olympics.
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
Our neighbor, Alexander, said that he was the TALLEST PERSON he'd seen in his ENTIRE LIFE...entire 4 years of life, I might

Visitor Summary: We've had #16 Visitors this summer!!
I guess LA is a happening spot that everyone wants to check out.
Luz Mila
Grandad & Vivi
Samantha & Aunt Patricia
Ana & Nico
Tia Manuela
Kelly & Ashish
Louis & Rebecca
Uncle Jorge

Daddy left to Austin for Work:
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
Nico was very helpful getting PAPA out the door. He put his carry-on on his cart and rolled it all the way down the hallway!
We were all going to go together but Nico and I weren't able to make it out there. But we miss you BABY MOMMA FRIENDS! Hopefully we'll see you before our kiddos go to

We hung out with Lorena:
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
We had a great time reading books, playing with all of Nico's toys, coloring and watching the movie CARS!
Youtube Link of video.

We hung out around here:
We went on an adventure to PLAYA VISTA:
We took the FREE BEACH SHUTTLE over there. We had a yummy lunch....
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
Nico didn't like his broccoli---
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
And then hung out at the park--with abuelita and our new friends: YOSEF, Lucia, Gaby, and Daniel.
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
...rolling down the hill, playing tag, investigating things, and playing ring around the rosie!
Nico vandalized for the first time in a PUBLIC PLACE!!!
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
Nico even got to play T-BALL!

From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
Well their version of the game...haha. And then we headed back home...exhausted!
From 1107 End of July, Al,lorena, apt, playa vista
Other things this week:
From Blackberry Camera
Nico started Brushing his teeth--by himself with his electric toothbrush!!! He FAKE-read a book to abuelito on Skype; He said "THE END" when we got to the last page of Goodnight Moon ; He told papa "nigh nigh"(night night) and "Buh-bye" when we were leaving; He said "mago" for Mango when we were eating lunch yesterday.
He is like a SPONGE...imitating everything---all the sounds, all the faces, all the signs---EVERYTHING. Our pumpkin head his growing up so fast! Nico's been able to see him through SKYPE, but that still hasn't stopped him from saying PAPA all week and pointing at him in all the pictures around the apartment. Even Peter noticed a difference when he saw him on skype 2 days after leaving. He asked if he had GROWN...and he probably has. The week seemed to go by really slow though...probably cause Papa is out of town. Fortunately, last night (for the first time all week) he slept ALL NIGHT! Maybe now Mama can get some

Hope you have a nice weekend!!!

Here is the link to the slideshow if you don't see it BELOW:


  1. We'll miss you guys too! Love the styled hair oxford shirt shot. Also Nico reading is too cute!

  2. Thank you Bethany!! I picked the outfit myself =)!


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.