Monday, April 11, 2011

Everyday things: Running and Laundry

Running is an everyday thing for us here...or at least we're trying to get back into that Sometimes (very rarely) I run alone, like I did this past weekend. Sometimes I run with Peter and Nico. But MOST of the time its me and NICO!
A couples times in the past 15 months I've run with other mommas---actually I've only run with 3 mommas, Laurel and Julia-in Austin at Town Lake and Lenora, here in LA. Running with other moms is great cause you have a lot of cool things to talk about and they also understand if you need to stop and let your kid out for breaks. The tricky thing about running with other moms is that there are 2 little ones to please; timing is KEY for these kinds of things. FLAT, QUIET, LOW-TRAFFIC, SHADY, and WIDE roads or routes are ideal.
Flat: So that the ride is a smooth as possible for the little pumpkin that's riding inside. This means...avoiding SIDE WALKS. Those ups and downs each block can get really old, really fast.
Quiet: So that if the child actually falls asleep, they aren't abruptly awakened. Even if they're not, it's just nicer, more enjoyable for all parties involved.
Low-Traffic: Safety first! Low-traffic means less chance of getting run off the road by a crazy driver. It also means that you can run on the road vs sidewalks which can possibly mean less ups and downs.
Shady: So that if you're baby isn't sleeping, the sun doesn't upset them IF they happen to look RIGHT INTO IT!
Wide: So that you can fit your momma friend next to you to have somewhat normal convos instead of screaming infront or behind you, potentially, over a crying baby.
**But your lucky if you have maybe 2 of those listed above at any one time. Once you find a route with all 5---you'll probably never run anywhere else again.

Fortunately we had a Flat, mostly wide, low traffic path on our route with Andreas and Lenora.
Unfortunately we caught Andreas at a not-so-good time the other day. Poor little guy, he was really mad at us for taking him on a run, by the beach, on a BEAUTIFUL sunny southern california Instead of running the planned 6 miles, we ran 4 and hit up a couple of the parks along the way to let the kiddos play.

Mommies and babies on runs are apparently a spectacle around here. That one day we got at least 8 comments--"way to go Mommas; Go get it; Good job".....and others along those lines.

I know Nico had fun, but I hope he doesn't get any ideas. I've been really proud of him. He has always been good in the stroller, but recently, even better....I know i'm lucky that Nico is such a great running partner =).

Here is the link if you don't see the slidshow below.


Laundry we don't do as often as my mother would like but we procrastinate a little since the laundry room is a bit of a hike since its in the garage of the next building.
Here is a picture of the most adorable ASSISTANT EVER--even though he does make doing laundry a little more challenging!
From 1104 Laundry-Tomas's Bday

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.