Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What a DAY!

At 2:06amRamiro arrived. He came to join Peter for a mini-road trip/soccer game in Houston...and to visit NICO!

At 10:05am My mom left to Miami...before I started driving away from the airport, I started missing her. I'm so happy she came to spend time with us and watch Nico grow in the past 3 weeks. I love Austin, but it breaks my heart that our families can't be here to see everything, all the changes, all the milestones, all the funny faces. I try and capture as much as I can but it's not the same in person! My mom helped me sooo much. Not only with dinners and watching Nico for me while I got some extra teaching hours in, but just sitting with me at 3am when Nico wouldn't fall asleep or bringing me water and/or a mid-night snack while feeding. She would think of everything! She would even bathe and feed Nico in the evenings when Peter and I wanted to hang out in the pool or play a little volleyball. I MISS YOU MOMMY, It's going to be Just me and Nico tonight.

At 12:30pmI realized that Nico's 2 bottom teeth had cut through the surface. He has been fussing a lot more the last couple nights...except for last night (10pm-5:30am!) Hopefully in the next couple days they will start showing more!!

At 7pm Nico and I were in the pool and he starting babbling...saying DA DA DA DA DA DA. I didn't have a camera but Peter's parents were watching on Skype. They also got to see him swimming! Daddy wasn't there to hear it :(. My little pumpkin head is growing up!!

AND Today, 8 months ago, at Town Lake, peter and I said our I DOs...at our civil wedding. Some people say that the first year of marriage is difficult. Other's say that the first year of having a new baby is the hardest....and here we are in the midst of both, I think we are doing pretty good! Every night I close my eyes and thank God for my family! I sometimes wonder if there is a catch to all this. Why am I so fortunate?

That's my summary for today!


  1. That is beautiful, Valeria. :) We are so lucky, and its wonderful to be grateful. We'll miss you!

  2. Yea, we don't have it that bad ;)

    Thank you, God, for my family. Amen!

  3. Awww... your mom is awesome!!! I'm so happy your family is doing great & that I get to see you next weekend. I love the picture of Nico on the surfboard =)


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.