Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye 2011--New Years Eve!

Living in LA has been quite an adventure. We arrived shortly before christmas last year and here we are now....a couple hours shy of 2012!

I have really enjoyed the weather here in LA, the new friends we have made, and the opportunity to work at! I have completed my children's book and am excited for it's debut some time in 2012! Nico has grown up into a walking, talking, playing, joking, hiding, sneaky little man who makes me laugh and want to pull my hair out at the same time. I love him with my whole heart.
Nico, thank you for growing up into such an adorable MAN!!! You make mama SO HAPPYYYYYY!!!

Peter has turned into a CALI boy...surfing like a pro! He also got promoted to ACADEMIC SALES with his same company (NI). I love what a great teacher he is to Nico and how he tries to motivate us all to be better, more adventurous, and a funner family!

We talked about moving back home to MIAMI but it didn't work out for now even though we miss everyone there very much. We'll see what the future holds and how soon we can make it back closer to the FAMILIA!

This year has had it's difficulties, I'm not going to lie, but if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger---and so i'd like to say that i'm STRONGer...since i'm still here =). This year has reminded me that NOTHING in this world is guaranteed (besides the known: death and taxes) but that's what keeps life interesting and what keeps you as a person trying to IMPROVE and Better yourself.

In light of improving oneself, I have written up my new years' resolutions (as I do every year).... which always seem to include something about running (more miles and faster), tightening my abs, writing a book, drawing more, eating healthier, being more organized, and traveling! However, at the top of that list is trying to be a better PERSON: wife, mother, daughter, sister,  family member, and friend. I know I have a lot of flaws and my patience dwindles...but I'm workin' on it =)
(New Years Eve 2010)

       (New Years Eve 2011)

I hope you all have a great NEW YEAR and that 2012 brings us all lots of LOVE, HAPPINESS, and HEALTH! I hope it especially brings Peter and I lots of PATIENCE---as we tackle the terrible twos.

God, thank you for all the opportunities in 2011 and I hope that I can see and appreciate the gifts that you set in my path on 2012!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.