Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Playing Hooky...I mean- Race Recovery day =D

Since I raced 26.8 miles on Sunday...I decided to ask for MONDAY off...to hang out with my little MAN and Fabiola----and nurse my SORE BODY! It feels like it's been FOREVER since I just hangout with Nico like we used to. We went to Music Class at the Cow's End...
 ....and then just walked around the Venice Pier, played in the sun, and sand...and just admired how beautiful our home for this past year and some has been! 

 Fabiola did some souvenir shopping and thought we looked so cute in our stunner VENICIAN shades that she got them for US! NICO loved his glasses!
 Match...Glasses and shoes!!!

 He loved his glasses so much that he didn't want to take them off! EVEN when it was bath time!!!

 NOR BED TIME!!!!! I guess he really really liked them!!!
It was a great day!We have been truly blessed to call this beautiful city our OWN. I have taken lots of pictures to make sure Nico sees how lucky he's been. Not only was he born in the "AUSUM" city of AUSTIN...filled with lush green belt trails, beautiful creeks, hidden gems, surrounded by LOTS of friends....but his second year of life was lived this Breathtaking pocket of LA where the mountains meet the ocean, the sea lions and dolphins swim up to you when your out in the water, and where there's endless days of PERFECT WEATHER...not to mention LOTS of awesome baby friends to make every adventure even more MEMORABLE!!!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.