Sunday, March 18, 2012

1st Marathon: LA Honda Marathon-RACE REPORT

1st Marathon: LA Honda Marathon
Date: 3-18-2012
Total distance: 26.81
Average Pace: 9:00/mile
Fastest mile: 7:23 (last mile)
Slowest Miles:
9:51--the first mile was hard getting out!!
9:36 ( mile 15--Ran with my Buggarhead for a couple hundred meters--AWESOME. Gracias Fabiola and Thanks Peter for being there to cheer with my little #1 motivator!!)

At the start we were really excited and READY to go!!!

How did it feel? Well... I must thank Dana for getting me through the race!
My left knee and left groin hurt for just about 19 miles. First city we went through was CHINATOWN!!! Super cool and we were out in about 7 minutes...haha. The smell of DIM SUM was DELICIOUS. Then we ran through little Mexico and Koreatown. We got through the first 4-5 miles without even noticing. We were laughing at mile 6...joking that we got a nice warm up in and were about to get started on a 20 run...haha.

Around mile 10 I started to hurt a little...felt like I had to actually start making an effort. Then I started focusing on seeing my little buggarhead at mile 15! I kept trucking along... through HOllywood, enjoying the scenery. I caught a glimpse as I was heading down the sunset strip of Peter's head beanie! I knew my buggarhead was around there! As I got closer he ran straight toward me onto the course and I gave him a huge hug!!! Ayyyy I loved it!

From Marathon120318
Right after that I started struggling a little again...once the excitement of the reunion wore off and reality set in that I still had 11 miles to go! Running through Rodeo DRIVE was pretty cool!

Before I knew it, we were at mile 18...I was like..WOW...pretty cool. The next two miles I started feeling better. By the time I got to mile 20, I was FEELING really good. I started to PICK IT I thought...but now that I look at the time (i didn', I just didn't slow down.)

Miles 21-22 I was happy and cruising, the pain in my knee had gone away of I had grown numb to it. Then Miles 23-25 felt a little long. Even though they were the most FAN populated portion of the race, along the course that I had run with my TEAMMATES the past couple still felt long. Once I passed mile 25...I started to pick it up, and headed straight to that arch!I smiled the whole Last mile! It was a great feeling to know that I was finishing...and finishing strong. The road was lined with Fans on either side. I felt like they were all cheering for me...I felt like a celebrity...a star....a HOLLYWOOD STAR, my own RED CARPET EVENT!!
I wanted to run under 4:00 hours...and I got there at 4:01. And that was JUST FINE FOR ME!
I felt great when I finished...

Only now, hours after the race, am feeling the effects! WOW does my body hurt, hamstring, back, KNEE (left)! But i'm happy to report- NO BLISTERS, NO SHAFFING, GOOD PICTURES, GREAT MEMORY!

crossed of New Year's resolution list and LIFE bucket list =)


  1. I LOVE that your race bib says "Nico's Momma" - too cute!


  2. You are an inspiration! I cannot wait until I am able to say I ran a marathon too! I am so proud of you! You did AMAZING!!!


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.