Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy 26 months!

Happy 26 months NicoLico, Nicolon, Pumpkinhead and now buggarhead!!!!!!

MY GOSH how time flies!!! The first picture is of Nico at -18 weeks old (in utero) and Here is the picture of Nico NOW! I'm still amazed at the MIRACLE that LIFE is! Doing some spring cleaning I found a mini journal I kept in the Peace Corps where I wrote: It think having a little person walking around the world be really cool. I know they take a lot of work, but I guess if the time is right, I'll be ready''.
My maternity instincts must have been in full gear when I was writing this..haha, but I was right! It is very cool to know that I'm gonna leave this world with a child that is THE BEST PART OF ME! I was also right about the HARD work it takes to raise a mini me, but I also knew that I would be ready when the time came. Maybe that's why God puts women through pregnancy and delivery--to give us the opportunity to see a glimpse of the sacrifices and the unconditional love it takes to be a mother! Everyday I learn something new from my little blessing....and Now I only hope to be able to give him EVERYTHING he'll need to grow up a LOVING, SPECIAL, TALENTED, HEALTHY, and SPECIAL baby boy!!

Consistently Inconsistent= That's been the theme this month. Even though consistency at this age with "routines" is what is recommended, Nico's life has been FAR FROM a SET ROUTINE but amidst everything, I must say that I take solace in knowing that soon I'll be able to provide more consistency and more of a set routine--like the one we were working on up to a couple months ago.

Changes this month:
Sleep Habits- generally his bedtime has been pushed back a little and the TIME CHANGE has thrown him for a loop as well. The decreased sleep hours may be leading to some of his Night mares (night awakenings) and some of his behavior in school (Teachers addressed PUSHING as a new issue- and had to put him in TIME OUT=(, but the teachers and other mom friends say it comes with the "MINE" stage that he's in right now. I just have to keep an eye on it a make sure that it doesn't continue to develop and that he realizes that it's NOT okay to push kids off the top of the slide)

There have been a lot of Good changes too!!!
He'sLOTS OF TALKING! He is definitely putting two an two together. Its amazing the things he is connecting. He's so amazing. Yesterday some of his little friends came over and I brought out the tunnel for them to crawl through. When he got to the other side he came out and said- SURPRISE!!! You can imagine my surprise when I heard him! WHAT A BIG BOY!!

Fabiola (my aunt from Colombia) has been visiting for the last couple weeks and he has taught her more english than she's ever learned in her whole life! One funny phrase he keeps saying and I don't know where he got it from is: "No HI...HEY".

Eating habits:
Definitely hasn't been a good eating month! We are back to picky! Still loves the DINO CHICKENS but everything else is HIT OR MISS! Fabiola obviously worries but I know he isn't going to go too long without eating--he's got his MOMMA's blood!

Things he is able to do now:

  • He is able to put his shoes on and take his shoes off by himself. When people come to the house or even when it's just us, he looks for all the shoes he can find to put them in the SHOE BASKET by the door! My little buggarhead is too cute.
  • Understand directions.
  • Almost open the front door (eeeekkk).
  • Opens the refrigerator at schoool to get his LUNCH BOXcarry his lunch box to and from the car when we leave daycare.
  • Tell me where he has an OWWIE- when he gets hurt and then comes over to me so I can kiss it, and tells me "all better" and runs off!!!
  • How can i forget! He can COUNT!!! loves counting everything. He can count 1-10 in spanish, but english we still need to work on...His english numbers generally go something like this: 1,3,4,5,6,7,9...7,9,10
  • He can repeat the whole alphabet in english and spanish when I say it to him...unless he gets distracted by a dust particle or a sound.
  • he can UNLOCK my iphone, and move the screens over until he finds the Talking TOM app, and then click the X that comes out with all the other purchase options to start playing with TOM! CRAZY!!! (this one has me the most impressed of all his new "tricks". Fabiola can barely use my phone to call, and Nico is playing games, like he was born with the phone in his hands.

Happy 26 months
 buggarhead!! I love you with all my heart and can't wait for the adventures we'll share this MONTH !!! I know you will make it all a game, continue to make me laugh with your "tickeles" and faces...and give me all the strength I need to ROCK my MARATHON THIS WEEKEND- I'm gonna run one mile for every YEAR OF MY LIFE and every MONTH of your LIFE!!!!


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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.