You see, my bike was my first (significant$$) purchase I ever made with my own money the summer after freshman year at UF(2005).
My bike was a part of was special for the following reasons and SO MANY MORE:
- Bike has moved with me all around!
- While in college it traveled back and forth from Miami to Gainesville in the summers.
- Then when I moved to Austin,TX...the bike also went.
- And last year the bike moved with me here to LA.
- It gave me the freedom to get to know the back country roads that surround Gainesville and Austin as I would ride with friends 3,4 or more hours---and gave me the chance to get to know those friends even better, because all we could do on those rides was PEDAL and TALK =)
- It allowed me to say that I've ridden on the PACIFC and ATLANTIC coasts of this country...with a smile stamped on my face.
- It raced triathlons with me in Miami, and all around Florida.
- It joined me on my first 100 miler ride from KEY LARGO to KEY West with college friends one spring break.
- It grew up with me and adjusted to my life changes:
- When I met Peter, he would borrow my bike...first sign to me that i like him, cause I let him borrow MY BIKE.
- It joined me on one of the first REAL dates with him as we rode to Lake Walburg for the day.
- At one point we proceeded to get matching bikes too.
- it helped me recover from injuries so that I could get back into running
- it TUGGED along the bike trailer, so that we could take our son out on rides and share with him my love of biking...and being out in the fresh air---which I think has worked because he LOVES his BIKE too!!
- But it wasn't all fun and games:
- I got my first stitches from my bike Miami on the Brickell Bridge.
- bumps and bruises from adjusting to clipping in and out of my bike
- a crazy/random reck in Gainesville that landed me flat on my back steps from practice.
- and my latest reck here in LA a couple weeks ago...where I collided head on to another biker.

Cheers to A GREAT PURCHASE at Chain Reaction!!!