It takes a certain kind of people (crazy probably) to decide to train for a marathon. I've been a runner my whole life and the IDEA of TRAINING for a marathon has been a difficult one to swallow.
I know that if Brittney Love wouldn't have approached me about this marathon and joining her friends on training runs...I probably would have postponed my marathon debut again.
How fortunate am I to not only have a group to train with but do MY LONG TRAINING RUNS with ocean views. Last weekend we ran from Hermosa Beach to Playa Vista and back on a 16 miler---my first time going over 13. The last 3 miles were walk/jog of me because my knee and IT band hurt....but I finished.

At the start of the run...when we took this picture, Brittany said. "Hey guys, we are almost done!" We all looked at each other and realized that she was delusional...since we hadn't even taken A STEP toward 18miles....however that's the type of MENTAL strength you need.
It was a difficult run, besides the obvious 3 hours of pavement pounding. When you have 3 hours to THINK about things...and you can't just TURN OFF your's makes breathing efficiently little harder; however all those thought running around my brain made the first half of the run breeze by!

At Mile 10, this guy(whom I thought was a random stranger--playing Volleyball, but ended up being a co-worker of the girls I was running with) started yelling at us..."i have jello shots!". At first I didn't think he could be talking to us so I looked away....but then I heard Brittany go..."OHHH DO YA!??!?!" And the guy sprinted over on that sand like if he was on a rubber track. In seconds the 3 of us had 3 jello shots with a GUMMY inside. Obviously not the best choice for a pick-me-up snack with 8 miles left to run, but what the HAY!! It was delish...gummy was clutch. We thought...maybe being partially drunk would help numb the physical pain that would shortly KICK IN.

I was wrong. That shot made for a memory but didn't take away from the pain I felt in my left knee.
The last 7 miles were a struggle (with my knee). They were also a mental narration of what my blog would read and what my Facebook status should read after the run.
At around mile 15 I decided it should be:
There are somethings that no matter how mentally physically and emotionally strong you are-- are downright painful!
At around mile 16.5 I added: I've been running for 20 years and it was still painful! But because I've been running for that long I knew it was gonna be hard....long... and take it all out of me; but I also knew that I'd get through it...and finish :)
Every time I go out for a run, I am thankful that i've had a pair of shoes as BEST FRIENDS my whole life...that have been by the door ready to all kinds of weather, not judging how fast or slow I will run nor how long or short of a run it will be, and without caring if it's just US or a group..just listening to me rant and ramble about myself, my thoughts, my fortunes, my mis-fortunes, boys, heartbreaks, baby dilemas, work, school, friendships, and even just filling in the silence with a rhythmic pounding.
I hope that Nico too finds solace in a pair of friends like this.
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