Happy 2nd Birthday Pumpkinhead!!!
Sleeping Habits: Nico is sleeping in his crib but with a toddler RAIL! He was getting up in the middle of the night for the first couple of nights. Peter would take him back and put him back in up to 94 times on one(memorable) night. He then got sick right before his birthday and so we loosen-up the STAY IN YOUR BED RULE...and have let him crawl into ours.
Storytime: Before bedtime everyday we have been reading to him. He goes to his book shelf (which has recently-his b-day--been enlarged) and brings 3 or 4 books for us to read. Sometimes he'll bring out Thomas the train books or other books, but he loves GOODNIGHT MOON. I think I know it by heart already (In the great green room there....) The cutest part is hearing Nico repeat almost 3/4th of the book. He makes us re-read it at least 3 times! He also likes: There's a Wocket in My Pocket and Mr. Brown Can Moo. One of my new favorites is "Me Gusta Cuando..."
Night Night Everybody...Inorder to go to bed...he needs to say Night night to everything...his toys, his cars, the lights, the kitchen, mama and papa, and baby Jesus too. He says "Baby Jesus, Gracias Por todo....AMEN". It's adorable. If he thinks that it's not bedtime for EVERYONE...he has a hardtime going to sleep, hhaha
Mobility: Nico is now FULL OUT running! (mama is so proud) He loves saying...Mark..."Set, GOOO.."and he quickly takes off, then looks back to see if you are coming or not.
He can RIDE HIS BIKE...by himself!!! He can drive his CAR--Lightning McQueen Car that Tia Yesi gave him for Christmas.
Eating habits: He's definitely eating a LOT MORE in general, but of course there are those hit or miss days where he either doesn't want anything at all (just wants to as he says: "get down..... Nico go play, go play CARS") or he just
Mobility: Nico is now FULL OUT running! (mama is so proud) He loves saying...Mark..."Set, GOOO.."and he quickly takes off, then looks back to see if you are coming or not.
He can RIDE HIS BIKE...by himself!!! He can drive his CAR--Lightning McQueen Car that Tia Yesi gave him for Christmas.
Eating habits: He's definitely eating a LOT MORE in general, but of course there are those hit or miss days where he either doesn't want anything at all (just wants to as he says: "get down..... Nico go play, go play CARS") or he just
Verbal skills: He is talking A LOT. Expressing Ideas, getting his point across in ENGLISH and OR spanish and loudly...lol.
Some words he says funny...no matter how many times we repeat the correct way. I'll try and add some more as I remember.
Some words he says funny...no matter how many times we repeat the correct way. I'll try and add some more as I remember.
Lightning McQueen is "Nightning Mi-kiween"
Banana- "aba"
Love you is "lub Lu"
Dinosour- ginochore
luigi- "igi"
guido- "guilo"
Alexander and Madeline (our neighor's kids) are "Zander" and "Madin"
Lorena (friend) is "lena"
Tia is "Ia"
Mucho Gusto- "Uuucho Gusto"
Pasta- "apa"
Playa is "apla"
Valeria is Bla bla
OHH how could I forget, the day of his Birthday he inaugurated the use of 'MINE'....Hello
Cognative Skills: He understands so much! He'll sit quietly and wait until I bring him his milk if I tell him. Stay here and I'll be back with your milk.
He understands the concept of there being NO MORE of something. "He'll say uuh-ohh all done___."
He has started using Please and Thank you (gracias) correctly. Some other things he can do:
Terrible Two Watch: He likes saying NO (and thinks it's funny) and has started to display mini tantrums. Peter and I were talking about how Nico is so helpless sometimes....and yet he wants to be so INDEPENDENT at the same time...which frustrates him....and therefore us. Haha. I told Peter that I guess that struggle between doing things for him and letting him do things for himself will just get harder and harder as he gets older--especially for me....=(.
He is so fun to play with and watch play with his friends! He loves hanging out with other kids. He gives his friends hugs and kisses and says "bye MIGOS"--(amigos) when we leave school everyday. He hugs and kisses his teachers too.
He understands the concept of there being NO MORE of something. "He'll say uuh-ohh all done___."
He has started using Please and Thank you (gracias) correctly. Some other things he can do:
- Point to an object that I name
- Recognize the names of familiar people, objects, and body parts
- Use short phrases and two- to four-word sentences
- Follow simple instructions
- Repeat words he overhears (or the end of what he over hears)
- Find objects even when you hide them under two or three blankets
- Sort objects by shape or color( especially legos)
- Play make-believe( especially with his cars and trains....he puts his cars infront of eachother and then has them "shake hands" and say "uuchoo gustoo" (mucho gusto)...Nice to meet you.
Terrible Two Watch: He likes saying NO (and thinks it's funny) and has started to display mini tantrums. Peter and I were talking about how Nico is so helpless sometimes....and yet he wants to be so INDEPENDENT at the same time...which frustrates him....and therefore us. Haha. I told Peter that I guess that struggle between doing things for him and letting him do things for himself will just get harder and harder as he gets older--especially for me....=(.
He is so fun to play with and watch play with his friends! He loves hanging out with other kids. He gives his friends hugs and kisses and says "bye MIGOS"--(amigos) when we leave school everyday. He hugs and kisses his teachers too.
I LOVE YOU PUMPKINHEAD! I know I tell you all the time how much I LOVE YOU and I love being your mommy...but I'm going to keep telling YOU. This year is predicted to be a little difficult. And mama and papa are going to try their best to help you USE YOUR WORDS and FIGURE OUT what you are trying to EXPRESS, help you figure out what you are FEELING towards things, and help you learn to do things BY YOURSELF, as safely as toddlerly possible. Lets make this year the TERRIFIC TWOS!
TE AMO MI REY!!! HAPPY 2nd Birthday!!!
Your biggest fan for ANYTHING YOU DO
and anything you will ever do!
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