Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1st entry: Diary of a Working Momma

I seriously should start a series of posts titled....Diary of a Working Momma.

Today's entry: 
Rookie Working Mom Upsets entire toddler daycare classroom:

Just got back to work from going to dropoff  Pedialite, a banana, and some goldfish off at Nico's daycare during my (30 min) lunch break. He was sick and vomitting Sunday all day. Monday he stayed home with Peter since THIS MOM has no sick days yet. Monday he did well and Peter had to work, so Tuesday he went to daycare.
I checked in on him throughout the day and he seemed to be doing OK...not himself....but okay.

So this morning he went to Daycare again. By 9:15am he had already had a massive diarrhea. I was on the phone waiting to speak with the advice nurse the rest of the morning (while trying to be productive at work). They advised to NOT GIVE HIM ANYTHING that was in his (when i finally got a person on the phone.
 I called the daycare to check up on him, They said he's not feeling to good (maybe stomach ache....). So I told them I would be right over with the aforementioned supplies.

I, however,  made a rookie working-momma mistake!  I wanted to hold him (if even for a couple seconds) before having to leave to return to work. But I say mistake because he had finally started to calm down from Peter's departure this morning at 9:15am. When I arrived at 12:10pm, I could still hear him doing the sniffle sniffle deep breath, sniffle sniffle deep breath (all u mommas know that's the one after they;ve cried for a while).
 I got to give him and his friends goldfish and hold him tight for about 5 minutes that felt like 5 seconds. And I had to go.

 I felt terrible. Here I was leaving him again crying. I was leaving my little baby with a tummy ache at daycare, BECAUSE I HAD TO GO TO WORK. He was crying and then I started crying.....and then his whole little class.....(then it got funny for a second). But now i'm back at work...wondering about my baby with tears flooding my desk(actually at the beginning of the post....but now I've calmed down).

Being a working mommy is hard...but even harder on days like today.

I love you with all my heart and will try to be out as soon as possible to go HUG YOU and KISS YOU and make your tummy feel better! Abuelo Pedro, Vivi, and Tia Manu will be here soon to pamper you and help you get better soon so that you can be ready for your BIRTHDAY PARTY on Saturday and your BIRTHDAY on SUNDAY!!!!!!!! Te amo mi corazoncito!!!

1 comment:

  1. Being a working mommy is hard. I wanted to reach through the computer and hug you for at least 5 minutes after reading this post. Hugs!

    P.S. Happy Birthday Nico!


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.