Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What? Tomorrow is February?

We are already 1 month into the new year. Isn't that crazy?
As I entered this new year I, like everyone, set HIGH expectations for 2012.
I knew that it would be a year for growth...but didn't know that my growth would be kick started so quickly.

Now more than ever I want to honestly ask:
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Here's to FEBRUARY bringing better days...
no pressure FEBS....
no pressure at all, 
but i'm counting on u! 

Asking for a sign

Sometimes we ask GOD to send us a sign...and he posts this on Facebook.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Marathon training...the mileage GOES UP!!

It takes a certain kind of people (crazy probably) to decide to train for a marathon. I've been a runner my whole life and the IDEA of TRAINING for a marathon has been a difficult one to swallow.
I know that if Brittney Love wouldn't have approached me about this marathon and joining her friends on training runs...I probably would have postponed my marathon debut again.
How fortunate am I to not only have a group to train with but do MY LONG TRAINING RUNS with ocean views. Last weekend we ran from Hermosa Beach to Playa Vista and back on a 16 miler---my first time going over 13. The last 3 miles were walk/jog of me because my knee and IT band hurt....but I finished.

This weekend we ran 18miles---another first. It was a spectacular run!

At the start of the run...when we took this picture, Brittany said. "Hey guys, we are almost done!" We all looked at each other and realized that she was delusional...since we hadn't even taken A STEP toward 18miles....however that's the type of MENTAL strength you need.

It was a difficult run, besides the obvious 3 hours of pavement pounding.  When you have 3 hours to THINK about things...and you can't just TURN OFF your brain...it's makes breathing efficiently little harder; however all those thought running around my brain made the first half of the run breeze by!
This what my 18 mile run looked like...Driving this would have felt long! But every part of it was beautiful. Since moving to LA I had always wanted to run on San Vicente...this treelined road on the north side of Santa Monica with a grass center path that "i thought" went for miles and found out that it actually goes FOR.E.VER!! I had never gotten a chance to make it there to run, and the grass patch isn't very stroller friendly...BUT I'M so happy I did.
At Mile 10, this guy(whom I thought was a random stranger--playing Volleyball, but ended up being a co-worker of the girls I was running with) started yelling at us..."i have jello shots!". At first I didn't think he could be talking to us so I looked away....but then I heard Brittany go..."OHHH DO YA!??!?!" And the guy sprinted over on that sand like if he was on a rubber track. In seconds the 3 of us had 3 jello shots with a GUMMY inside. Obviously not the best choice for a pick-me-up snack with 8 miles left to run, but what the HAY!! It was delish...gummy was clutch. We thought...maybe being partially drunk would help numb the physical pain that would shortly KICK IN. 

I was wrong. That shot made for a memory but didn't take away from the pain I felt in my left knee.

The last 7 miles were a struggle (with my knee). They were also a mental narration of what my blog would read and what my Facebook status should read after the run.

At around mile 15 I decided it should be:
There are somethings that no matter how mentally physically and emotionally strong you are-- are downright painful!

At around mile 16.5 I added:  I've been running for 20 years and it was still painful! But because I've been running for that long I knew it was gonna be hard....long... and take it all out of me; but I also knew that I'd get through it...and finish :)

Every time I go out for a run, I am thankful that i've had a pair of shoes as BEST FRIENDS my whole life...that have been by the door ready to go...in all kinds of weather, not judging how fast or slow I will run nor how long or short of a run it will be, and without caring if it's just US or a group..just listening to me rant and ramble about myself, my thoughts, my fortunes, my mis-fortunes, boys, heartbreaks, baby dilemas, work, school, friendships, and even just filling in the silence with a rhythmic pounding.

I hope that Nico too finds solace in a pair of friends like this.

Friday, January 27, 2012


As you have been able to see on MY BOOK PAGE, the writing of this book has been a process. A process that's had it's ups and downs. A process that has let me down a couple times...but a process that has surprised me and reenergized me at points as well.

What I am most proud of is that I BELIEVED in my book! I believed in my vision! I let that belief guide my decisions, and NOT SETTLE for a version any less than what I would be proud to have my name on!

I didn't do it alone. Nico and our family and friends (far and near) inspired the actual idea. The encouragement of my family and (mom) friends helped me believe that the idea was worth pursuing. Peter helped me purchase the package that made the process OFFICIAL and was unknowingly and unintentionally my BIGGEST Motivator.  But I must admit that I wouldn't have been able to do it without my friend PRISCILLA SHAKUR. She helped mold my diamond in the rough into the actual GEM that is this final product.

The Publishing company itself hasn't been the easiest to work with but my author service representative, GLEN BRYCE, has been extremely cooperative and helpful, saving face for the publishing experience.

So what's the update?
THE FINAL GALLEY of the book was sent to me for approval yesterday...and I APPROVED!
Price has been set- $21.99 for Soft Cover and $31.99 for Hardcover

I know the price is a little more than I would pay for a book for Nico...but I have bought him a couple SPECIAL BOOKS for his collection....Like: Let's Do NothingTy CooneyLet's Race and I've really appreciated meeting the authors and getting their signature in the books, and hearing about their process. I hope that family, and friends, and family of friends and friends of family will like this book and want to share it with the ones they love.

What I want most is to share OUR STORY...and that one day Nico can be PROUD of having a mom that turns her dreams into reality, that takes life's lemons and makes lemonade...and that LOVES her life more each day because he is in it!

***Stay tuned...Website will be up soon for you to explore your purchase options***

Wise woman...Mrs. First Lady

I know that OBAMA his wife are a controversial topic, and I definitely don't want to open that can of worms...especially in my happy place (my blog).

But I saw this little story on Facebook and it made me smile...

One night President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to do something out of routine and go for a casual dinner at a restaurant that wasn't too luxurious. When they were seated, the owner of the restaurant asked the President's secret service if he could please speak to the First Lady in private. They obliged and Michelle had a conversation with the owner. Following this conversation President Obama askedMichelle, why was he so interested in talking to you. She mentioned that in her teenage years, he had been madly in love with her. President Obama then said, "so if you had married him, you would now be the owner of this lovely restaurant", to which Michelle responded, "no, if I had married him, he would now be the President."
Wise is the man you knows how valuable his partner is....but even wiser is the woman who knows how INVALUABLE she is.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Madeline's 3rd Birthday Party

Thi and Kelly, our neighbors, invited us to celebrate their daughter's 3rd Birthday.
Nico got a glimpse of what theme parks are---they are a place where all his toys are LIFE SIZE, where he can drive cars and trains, OVER AND OVER and where the adults can all act like kids (playing dress up and helping him get to the next fun activity faster). If only there were NO LINES (Nico had trouble with the fact he had to wait his turn), I know Nico would consider this place HEAVEN!

Our neighbor's kids are a little older (3 and 5)---but they tried to convince the kids for as long as they could that Knotts Berry was Disney World....hahaha....and that Snoopy and all the peanuts characters fill in for Mickey when Mickey is on vacation....oh Parenthood...the things it makes you say...lol.

 Nico loved these little trains...they were HAND POWERED!!! He figured out how to get the little cart going and he DID IT....and LOVEEEEEEDDDDD IT!

 Loved it so much that when his friends got off...He stayed on and went again!

 Then we hit up the bounce house...which he was a PROFESSIONAL at...(falling that is) since he just had one for his birthday.

 After the bounce house we got on MACs like Nico called them. He was in heaven. From the movie cars, he really like MAC the HUGE TRUCK that pulls Lightning McQueen around. HERE he got to RIDE IN MAC!!! You can't imagine the joy exuding from his body!

 We then left the park for a little to grab lunch and a Chicago style kid friendly restaurant where they had AMAZING FRIES!! Another CHECK for Madeline's Party (genious idea).
 Kelly brought stuff for the kids to paint while they waited for the food.

 We ate yummy food and then got to sing Maddie Happy Birthday!!!
 Don't you love the HAPPINESS THAT COMES FROM INNOCENCE?!?!?! ...that genuine enjoyment of the simple joys in life?
 I might add that getting a picture of all these kids was an accomplishment in itself, that I am very proud of!
 "YEA!!! I'm 3"

 Heading back to the Park for a couple more rides....

 We waited in line for the STAGE COACH RIDE!!! 4 beautiful horses were pulling the stage coach!

 After the Stage Coach ride we went on a REAL TRAIN RIDE!!!

 .....THAT GOT HELD UP BY ROBBERS---western cowboys!!! They were really funny actually...as the first robber walked out of our cart he held his hands up with his back towards us and said..."make sure to look for me on a WANTED POSTER....because....you know you want this". Hysterical!

 When we got off we bumped into the robbers again...

 Nico didn't seem phased at all! I guess it's all the western movies we've been watching lately....=)
 He thought they were kinda funny.

 The WHOLE FAMILY GOT HELD UP....but the robber decided not to take their money...since they had 2 kids....they instead told kelly and Thi...."Those little one, Maddie and Zander, they'll take every penny you have....I'll spare you"...again...funny guy.

 Then it was time to go...

I wish I could capture that happiness, that uncontrollable laughter, that genuine joy for life....My son teaches me everyday how to BE A BETTER PERSON. I thank God that I have been blessed to have him in my life. With one smile he gives me the encouragement and the strength I need to do all the things that I need to do..to look at life as he does...a place where only the present matters.

Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.