Yesterday and today I took a CPR course. There was a pregnant mom there. She was due in 3 weeks, she had so many questions about the infant CPR and she was very nervous. It seems like it was SOOO long ago that I was there where she was a couple weeks away from delivery, with so many questions about HOW my new life would be...if I would know what to do, if I would be a good mom, if I would ever get back in shape, if I would sleep through my baby's crying, if I would be able to handle it. And there I was tonight...seemingly an all knowing being, since I have a 17 month old with so much 'wisdom' to share and so 'calm'. It reminded me of some things i've been thinking about lately.
Motherhood is such a GIFT! A gift that some women take for granted, some get surprised by it, some wait for YEARS to receive, and some never get the chance to unwrap it. It's a gift that changes you forever. That being said, after your baby is born, MOMs sometimes loose their place in the world. The new little bundle of joy becomes the center of the everyones focus...to the point where moms start blending in to the background. Moms, who gave LIFE to a new person in the world, go through body transformations, mental transformations, and all the emotional changes that come with their NEW ROLE as a FULL TIME MOM. Everyone has different suggestions on how moms can regain that sense of SELF back. BootCamp4Moms strives to build moms back up alongside their child in a supportive environment. The "circle of TRUST" built by the bootcampers and trainers helps all involved--it's as beneficial to me, as a future instructor, as it will be for the mommy bootcampers-- to regain the parts of OURSELVES, our identity, our body, our confidence that somehow got lost among diapers, laundry, dishes, play dates, and all-nighters.
A couple weeks ago I started training to be a Mommy BootCamp instructor. One of the things I LOVE about the woman who started this is that she wants to empower moms. In the time since my training began, I feel that I've noticed a change in my mood, in my confidence, my body, and self-consciousness--about "not-working" and feeling down when others suggest that I should DO MORE to support my family financially. When baby makes three, it's not always easy to make those decisions of whether or not to go back to work and whether or not it makes sense to do so considering the costs of childcare.
Throughout my bootcamp sessions I want to remind my mommy bootcampers that you are not WORTH more or LESS because of the amount of money that you make. Just because a person doesn't get a paycheck for what they do, doesn't mean that their work is not valuable nor that they don't do anything. I feel that my "work" is good, right for me, and SOMETHING very important...even now that I haven't received a single paycheck to be an instructor. I think a person's worth should be measured by QUALITY OF their LIFE, their POSITIVE CONTRIBUTIONS to their surrounding world, and HOW HAPPY THEY ARE. And though daily TO-DO lists often feel like an endless roman decree, MOMMY TIME TO WORKOUT should be somewhere close to the TOP--even if it's hard somedays.
Bread winner or not I want to continue to work hard at teaching others to be WINNERS in their lives whether it's being that encouraging friend or that minute counter that's helping them sculpt their bodies, and pushing them to dig deep to find that 'INNER ME'.
Nico and I are excited to start my boot camp in September here in Marina del Rey. I feel that I will be a great instructor and that the moms I meet will feel STRONGER, TOUGHER, and HAPPIER when they leave our sessions. I want to help them emerge from the shadows that they have slowly started to blend in to.
A couple weeks ago I started training to be a Mommy BootCamp instructor. One of the things I LOVE about the woman who started this is that she wants to empower moms. In the time since my training began, I feel that I've noticed a change in my mood, in my confidence, my body, and self-consciousness--about "not-working" and feeling down when others suggest that I should DO MORE to support my family financially. When baby makes three, it's not always easy to make those decisions of whether or not to go back to work and whether or not it makes sense to do so considering the costs of childcare.
Throughout my bootcamp sessions I want to remind my mommy bootcampers that you are not WORTH more or LESS because of the amount of money that you make. Just because a person doesn't get a paycheck for what they do, doesn't mean that their work is not valuable nor that they don't do anything. I feel that my "work" is good, right for me, and SOMETHING very important...even now that I haven't received a single paycheck to be an instructor. I think a person's worth should be measured by QUALITY OF their LIFE, their POSITIVE CONTRIBUTIONS to their surrounding world, and HOW HAPPY THEY ARE. And though daily TO-DO lists often feel like an endless roman decree, MOMMY TIME TO WORKOUT should be somewhere close to the TOP--even if it's hard somedays.
Bread winner or not I want to continue to work hard at teaching others to be WINNERS in their lives whether it's being that encouraging friend or that minute counter that's helping them sculpt their bodies, and pushing them to dig deep to find that 'INNER ME'.
Nico and I are excited to start my boot camp in September here in Marina del Rey. I feel that I will be a great instructor and that the moms I meet will feel STRONGER, TOUGHER, and HAPPIER when they leave our sessions. I want to help them emerge from the shadows that they have slowly started to blend in to.
For those mommas feeling pressure to DO MORE, I will remind them that spending time with your child, watching them grow, and teaching them about the world is not NOTHING....it's actually SOMETHING very special...a gift that some moms are very fortunate to have. For those mommas that wish there were more hours in a day to work full time and hang out with their babies, I will remind them that you are great mommas and that your babyheads think of you all day--and no matter what the work day brought...one giggle, hug, or kiss from your little one will wipe all your work worries away. If you feel good about yourself, you will feel more confident your decisions: whether its working outside the home, in the home, or both!
But regardless, it's all hard work---hard work that you need to be in shape for, and that I want to help you with.
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