Today is a special day. I don't want to say Anniversary since that term we are now reserving for our WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, but none the less, today is an IMPORTANT DAY OF OBSERVATION.
4 years ago today, June 1, 2007, in a different world, separated from the "normalness" of everyday life that we both new, surrounded by close friends (and family)--who's presence made the moment and our euro trips that much sweeter---Peter asked me to make our relationship "OFFICIAL" in our whirlwind rondevu in Budapest in the middle of both our summer Euro Trips.
4 years ago today, June 1, 2007, in a different world, separated from the "normalness" of everyday life that we both new, surrounded by close friends (and family)--who's presence made the moment and our euro trips that much sweeter---Peter asked me to make our relationship "OFFICIAL" in our whirlwind rondevu in Budapest in the middle of both our summer Euro Trips.
Here are a couple pictures from that trip 4 years ago:
At the Castle drinking some VINO!

Thank you for making our STORY the fairy tale start that it was.
AND...Thank for making everyday since, AN ADVENTURE!
Happy Day of Observation!!!