Until I started writing this post, I was convinced that Nico was turning 16 months today....BUT he is 17months old! He is one month away from being 1 year and a 1/2!!!!
So many things have happend. His vocabulary has continued to expand and his ability to do things 'on his own' (tear) have continued to increase.
Thank you, and Comida
Language skills- I had to think hard about this one for a couple days since there are so many words now. Here's his list:
Tu-Tu (Train)
Wau-wau (dog)
Tia (sometimes)
GO HEAT-Abuelo flores taught him
Cool- Abuelo flores taught him
GO HEAT-Abuelo flores taught him
Cool- Abuelo flores taught him
His brand new words as of yesterday (1)and today (2)
Yesterday he said (1) Hi to someone as we walked by them on the way to the laundry room and waved at the same time.This morning at the pediatricians office a baby in a car seat walked in. Nico pointed and said (2) BABY! It was so EXCITING!!!
Other things he can understand, communicate, or DO:
High Five
Fist pump
touch down
wave bye-bye and hello
Close clips or buckles (on the ergo, hiking bag, or anything with a buckle---vivi taught him that
Teeth- Last post I wrote that he was only missing 2 teeth but he was actually missing 4 (2 on top and 2 on the bottom)...NOW he is only missing 2 teeth to have a FULL MOUTH of teeth! He got the 2 top canines.
Sleeping habits: As with everything else with kids...sleep routines are all in the GREY AREA. All we know is that kids need sleep....but how long, when, should they cry, should they put themselves to sleep, should they sleep through the night, should they BLAH BLAH BLAH (the list goes on)...is all subjective and depends on the parents and on the individual child.
We've been keeping track of his sleep for about 2 months now and feel that it has help the 3 of us a lot. We are not where we want to be YET but are working our way there at our own pace. It's been difficult with visitors to keep a consistent sleep schedule since we are usually out and about or he is very excited about COOL things during the day that we have done or exciting dinner times, but Nico has done great.
I have been wanting to put up curtains in Nico's room for a couple weeks now and we finally got around to it on Monday evening----GUESS WHAT? Nico slept through the night monday and last night....Last night it took peter 3mins to put him to bed and he actually slept from 8:04pm to 8:27am!!!! I can't say that it's solely due to the new environment in the room...but I think that is has a LOT to do with it. I hope this continues =).
Eating habits: We have been going back and forth with gerber foods and home made foods but he is doing really well....EATING A LOT! When he chews, he makes me want to bite him!!!
Other updates:
I need to walk around with NEOSPORIN strapped to me! These days he seems like he is getting hurt every 5 minutes. The last couple days Nico has had one accident after another. Whether it’s bumping his head on the floor or against something in our apt, busting his gum open by falling on his sippy cup, or chasing a ball in our complex and face planting and scraping his face. I know he's a boy and I have to toughen up to prepare myself for the injuries to come...but Nico is my life...and that being said...I think its understandable when I’m shocked and scared when things happen to him. Sometimes I scream for Peter (as if he can FIX everything and make it all better) but lately, I’ve been trying to figure things out myself (and failed...lol). Sometimes I mistake calmness for lack of care....but calmness I know is essential to figuring out the “best Plan of Action” without making things worse.....which reminds me of a quote that I read some time ago:
Yesterday he said (1) Hi to someone as we walked by them on the way to the laundry room and waved at the same time.This morning at the pediatricians office a baby in a car seat walked in. Nico pointed and said (2) BABY! It was so EXCITING!!!
Other things he can understand, communicate, or DO:
High Five
Fist pump
touch down
wave bye-bye and hello
Close clips or buckles (on the ergo, hiking bag, or anything with a buckle---vivi taught him that
He dances (especially when he hears country music)
And the latest trick----He drops and does "PUSH-UPS"!
Sleeping habits: As with everything else with kids...sleep routines are all in the GREY AREA. All we know is that kids need sleep....but how long, when, should they cry, should they put themselves to sleep, should they sleep through the night, should they BLAH BLAH BLAH (the list goes on)...is all subjective and depends on the parents and on the individual child.
We've been keeping track of his sleep for about 2 months now and feel that it has help the 3 of us a lot. We are not where we want to be YET but are working our way there at our own pace. It's been difficult with visitors to keep a consistent sleep schedule since we are usually out and about or he is very excited about COOL things during the day that we have done or exciting dinner times, but Nico has done great.
I have been wanting to put up curtains in Nico's room for a couple weeks now and we finally got around to it on Monday evening----GUESS WHAT? Nico slept through the night monday and last night....Last night it took peter 3mins to put him to bed and he actually slept from 8:04pm to 8:27am!!!! I can't say that it's solely due to the new environment in the room...but I think that is has a LOT to do with it. I hope this continues =).
Eating habits: We have been going back and forth with gerber foods and home made foods but he is doing really well....EATING A LOT! When he chews, he makes me want to bite him!!!
Other updates:
I need to walk around with NEOSPORIN strapped to me! These days he seems like he is getting hurt every 5 minutes. The last couple days Nico has had one accident after another. Whether it’s bumping his head on the floor or against something in our apt, busting his gum open by falling on his sippy cup, or chasing a ball in our complex and face planting and scraping his face. I know he's a boy and I have to toughen up to prepare myself for the injuries to come...but Nico is my life...and that being said...I think its understandable when I’m shocked and scared when things happen to him. Sometimes I scream for Peter (as if he can FIX everything and make it all better) but lately, I’ve been trying to figure things out myself (and failed...lol). Sometimes I mistake calmness for lack of care....but calmness I know is essential to figuring out the “best Plan of Action” without making things worse.....which reminds me of a quote that I read some time ago:
Life is 10% what happens to you, 90% how you react to it.I feel that now I have to modify that quote...when children are involved...
Life turns into 10% what happens to them, 5% what happens to you, 15% how others react around you, and 100 % HOW YOU REACT AND HANDLE IT ALL.
I know the math may seem off...but it’s true....Especially that last part...since Nico gets over his injuries before I even have a chance to write about them...but unfortunately I haven't learned from Nico yet how to better react to life: Get back up, smile, and go back to playing as if nothing ever happend.
Visitor up-date:
Because we have so many visitors this summer, I decided to put it in it's own section.This past month Luz Mila and the Flores Abuelos came to visit. With Luz Mila we went to Santa Barbara and with the Flores Abuelos we went to Yosemite National Park. Next in line are: Manuela(6/28) and Ashish(6/29). We'll see you guys soon!!!
He is getting big, very crazy!