As I mentioned in my last post, my mom is in town. She and my sister have always been known as the "kitchen people" and me the "everything else people" at my house. The first night she came in I had Stewed White Beans with Spinach and Bacon ready for her (Picture below). She was a little nervous at first but then pleasantly surprised, she EVEN COMPLIMENTED me on the food.....which I never thought I would hear in this lifetime.
Chicken with Bell Peppers and Parsley-Spiked Couscous
Spinach/Chicken Lasagna with toasted French bread with butter, garlic, and Italian seasoning.
(sorry, no picture...we ate it too fast)
Now I need to read through my friend Laurel's blog, google recipes, more Rachael Ray....for recipes and tips to spicing things up around here.
A couple minutes ago we received our box of veggies from FARM to YOU (organic local farm that delivers to your home). When I looked inside, the wheels in my brain started turning....I wonder what recipes I can make with these lovely ingredients!
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