I'm happy to report that Nico is WELL, just a little snotty right now. He was sick for a couple days but ADORABLE.
Tito and Yesenia have been visiting here in LA since Thursday!
From 1102 Tito and Yesenia's visit |
We've gone biking and gone out a couple times with them! Yes, I said GONE OUT!
Sunday we went Hiking to Griffith Park with Chris and Cristy. At Night....we went out for SUSHI and SAKI BOMBS after watching the NBA All-Star Game.
Last Night we went on a SUNSET bike ride around the Marina and ended at Tony P's, where we hung out with Kenny and our guests. Tony P's is a Gator restaurant here in the Marina....and it was DELISHHHH.
From 1102 Tito and Yesenia's visit |
From 1102 Tito and Yesenia's visit |
From 1102 Tito and Yesenia's visit |

Tonight, we are going to the LAKERS vs HAWKS game!!! It will be our first LAKERS game, though I had to tell Al that we were really excited to watch the Hawks play...hahaha.
From 1102 Tito and Yesenia's visit |
From 1102 Tito and Yesenia's visit |
Manuela was in Colombia this weekend and gets back today. From what I can see in the FACEBOOK pictures, she is having a blast. She gets back today. I can't wait to hear the stories!!!
We had some more celebrity sitings this weekend, which brings the total count to 5 in the past 2 months!
We saw (#4)Arnold, his wife, and his daughter(who I recognized from THE VIEW), at Mass on Sunday. Unfortunately I don't have pictures, because WE WERE IN MASS, I felt a little odd whipping out my camera there.
We had lunch with (#5)Al yesterday. It was nice catching up and hearing stories about life on the red carpet, spot light, and some of the "giving back" work that he's been a part (NBA Cares, Basketball without Borders, and his own Basketball camps in Atlanta and DR). He met Nico for the first time and was very impressed with Nico's motor skills =).Maybe he'll be at one of those basketball camps in a couple years!
From 1102 Tito and Yesenia's visit |
Tonight, we are going to the LAKERS vs HAWKS game!!! It will be our first LAKERS game, though I had to tell Al that we were really excited to watch the Hawks play...hahaha.
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