Tuesday, February 8, 2011

3 Special Packages!

Remember I told you that 2 weeks ago we went on a 20 mile bike ride...and halfway through we stopped for lunch on a Burger joint on the beach????
Well I forgot to mention that when We got home, there were 3 Special Packages infront of our apartment door!

1. From Candy Cantin for Nico! A Dino that she made herself!!! Nico loved it and hugged it right away.

2. A package from my community in Panama.

They sent a whole bunch of things, but what I loved the most was the hand written letter telling me about what EVERY single person in my community is up to. The letter sent me through a roller coaster of emotions. I laughed and then teared a little...especially when I read this line:
"Nunca olvides que en nuestras vidas una de las mejores cosas que nos ha pasado fue conocerte a ti, y esperamos conocer muy pronto a Nico y Peter."
-Never forget that in our lives, one of the best things that has happend was to have met you, and we hope to meet Nico and Peter soon.
3. 3 Books that I sent to get printed!
1-Life is Calling Blog-of my peace Corps experience

2- Expecting the Unexpected Part 1- Our story from The day we found out about Nico until he turned 6months.
3. Expecting the Unexpected Part 2- The continuation of our story until Nico turned 1!

I could not have been more excited! Even now when I skim through my books, I feel that the dream of getting a book published and seeing in on one of those tables in Barnes & Nobles is just a tini-tiny bit closer!

GREAT THINGS do come in small packages!!! hahaha

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.