Today went as well as it could...we have to wait for the results...but Nico did his part GREAT!
5:00am we were up and hanging out watching CARS 2 (again).
5:30am- Nico finished eating breakfast--which would be his last meal until after the exam.
7:30am- drank his last milk
9:00am- drank his last Apple juice
10:30am- we went into the second waiting room where he was weighed and given a SWEET ELEFANT and CLOWN hospital gown. We read some books and played with Talking Tom on mommy's IPHONE.
12:15pm The EEG started.
1:30pm the test was over. And Nico slowly started to awaken from his little nap. I don't know anything about the test since the TECh didn't say ANYTHING at all (i know he's not allowed to, but still....he could have given me a thumbs up or down at least). On our part, the test went well! Nico was a trooper without sleep and almost seemed like it didn't even phase him!!
He was only upset when they started puncturing his arm to put the IV in (about 10 mins- 3 pokes on two different arms). And then when he got up from the exam he was half asleep half awake for about 15 mins---during that time he was upset at the EEG TECH....but soon after....he was happy as a butterfly. As we left he said bye to all the doctors and nurses and other patients, the elevator, the hallway, and the christmas trees.
My pumpkin bread is such a trooper. I'm so proud of him! When we go home, he wanted to go night night in the Wagon/Train that abuelo made him.
Hopefully tonight Nico can get 2 nights of well deserved rest!! Te amo mi rey!!!
We have to wait about a week or so to get the results and will work from there with the doctors to see what the next step is...but he's doing great! On our way home from the Hospital, Nico and I stopped at Santa Monica Catholic Church to say hi to Baby Jesus and thank you for watching over Nico and all of us. And as we were leaving, Nico said bye bye baby Jesus.
Sweet baby boy! Oh my mama - I hope you're doing OK. XOXOXOXO!!