We've go UPDATES!
Papa News:
Peter has been search for a MORE COMPLETE program that will be entertaining, help him bulk up a little, and challenge him. Both of us think that the people in Cross-fit have some sort of JUICE that they give their members...cause everyone who starts it becomes obsessed and loves it. So Peter went to an info session to see what the hype is all about....he ended up doing a 10min workout that really got to him. He is considering joining but we still have to figure out some minor details ($$...hahaha).
Last THursday Peter went to Check out a FREE CROSS-FIT endurance workout where he got to JUMP OFF THE SANTA MONICA PIER---and not get arrested. Then he had to swim to shore, do a whole bunch of push-ups, squats, burpies, run about a mile out and swim some more, run back, and then Swim back out to the Pier and climb out. It looked like fun...but also LOOKED FREEZING! I think Peter could jump on the Cross-fit band-wagon if he gets to do more of these types of workouts.

While Peter was out there Nico and I got to see 4 dolphins swimming around!!!
In Nico News: He finished his 2 week of Daycare and WE are adjusting a lot better...hahaha. Nico seems to like it more everyday. I'm so happy that he is!!

Check out BootCamp4Moms online
While Peter was out there Nico and I got to see 4 dolphins swimming around!!!
In Nico News: He finished his 2 week of Daycare and WE are adjusting a lot better...hahaha. Nico seems to like it more everyday. I'm so happy that he is!!
In Mommy News: I've been working hard to FILL my BOOTCAMP4MOMS classes which are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the Morning and Monday and Wednesday Evenings at 6pm. I really enjoy helping moms get into a routine and tell me that they are feeling SORE AFTER!! The little ones love hanging out at the park too!
Check out BootCamp4Moms online
The Tyson Method Website
But it hasn't been all work and NO PLAY for Mommy....Our mom group here in the Marina, MDR Baby Mommas, has evolved to EVENING play-dates as well. We've been going out once a week together to do things....We've gone to watch a couple chick flicks that our husbands would never go to...lol and we EVEN pulled out our heels, un-dusted our make-up kits and went CLUBBING!! I use this term in the loosest sense since we met up at 9:00pm for drinks (after getting the kids to bed and husbands fed) and were at the club by 9:45pm--while people were still eating and sitting....and were wasted and home by 12:30am. Did I mention that we also had time to stop by IN-N-Out Burger on our way home???....and were in bed by 12:30...Go ahead and laugh...cause I did. I could have sworn it was 4 is the morning, at least. But NOPE! just past midnight...haha. But it was a great time.....there was a lot of SUPPRESSED DANCING URGES in this group....that ALL got addressed! There are a lot more pictures...but i'll have to keep those for BLACK MAIL =). I had so much fun with my mommy friends!! Thanks for coming out girls.
But it hasn't been all work and NO PLAY for Mommy....Our mom group here in the Marina, MDR Baby Mommas, has evolved to EVENING play-dates as well. We've been going out once a week together to do things....We've gone to watch a couple chick flicks that our husbands would never go to...lol and we EVEN pulled out our heels, un-dusted our make-up kits and went CLUBBING!! I use this term in the loosest sense since we met up at 9:00pm for drinks (after getting the kids to bed and husbands fed) and were at the club by 9:45pm--while people were still eating and sitting....and were wasted and home by 12:30am. Did I mention that we also had time to stop by IN-N-Out Burger on our way home???....and were in bed by 12:30...Go ahead and laugh...cause I did. I could have sworn it was 4 is the morning, at least. But NOPE! just past midnight...haha. But it was a great time.....there was a lot of SUPPRESSED DANCING URGES in this group....that ALL got addressed! There are a lot more pictures...but i'll have to keep those for BLACK MAIL =). I had so much fun with my mommy friends!! Thanks for coming out girls.
And last but not least, I've been busy writing and Drawing. Writing articles for examiner (that I have yet to post) and working on the illustrations for my children's book.
Soon we'll share out weekend adventures....but for now, my computer literally has NO MORE SPACE for ANYTHING--so we have to address that.
Have a great week.
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