Thursday, September 15, 2011

20 Months old!!!!

Happy 20 Months Pumpkin-Head!!!!
(Don't worry- the brownies were for, and Papa)
Today Nico is 4 months away from being 2 years old!!!!! I know I say it every month, but he's so BIG and growing more each day, learning so many things, making me smile everyday! My love for him keeps growing--and I don't know where to fit it all!
I was looking through an old writing notebook and I found this letter that I had written Nico....but I don't think I ever posted it or gave it to him, so here it goes:

Nico Lico,
I hope that when you grow up, you do something great,
something you feel is amazing and worthwhile,
something that makes you feel happy and complete,
something that keeps you alive and upbeat!

Go explore and carefully look around,
you always find treasures in life's playground.

Travel the world and see all there is to see
And follow your heart wherever it may lead.

BUT Make sure you always STAY YOU!!!
No matter where you go or what you do
Mama and Papa will always and FOREVER, LOVE YOU!!
Have a great 4th day at Daycare!!!!
20 month update:
  • Words:It's hard to keep track of his word count now since he's a little broken record!
  • Sleep:Doing great, taking solid 2.5-3hr naps and sleeping through the night most of the time.
  • Teeth:all brushing his teeth is sometimes hit or miss but it's not as tortursome as we expected.
  • Other: He's just plain FUN! He interacts with other kids now at Playdates and in daycare, he repeats things you say and sounds, and he seems to really understand the world around him.....and he has really good memory!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your note to Nico! Way to go Nico (and mom &dad) at daycare. He does look bigger, more mature than just a few weeks ago when I saw him. Keep us posted on that book.


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.