Sorry I havn't posted pictures of Nico in more than a week!
See all the other pictures here.
So last family update, I told you that I got a wet suit...and that I couldn't wait to use it, so I juped into the Marina that same day....Well I've used it 3 times since I bought it (a little over a week ago).
LastTuesday, Peter and I got to swim a little in the Marina, right in front of our complex, so that I could practice and get a little stronger. Nico hung out with Patti, while mommy and daddy had a water date!
It was SO MUCH FUN!!! And I still made it to class on time to Teach in Beverly Hills later that day.
The rest of the week flew by with everyday and I have a BUSY mommy/baby friend schedule!
Thursday Morning we went to Music Time at The Cow's End with mommy friend, Darin, and her daughter, Ryan. This Music session was SOOO much better than the others that we have been to at other places. The musicians sang and played songs from Bob Marley, the Beetles, U2, among other nursery rhymes in a cool---NON-creepy way! When we got back to the complex, we hung out with the kiddos by the pool. Alyssa and Lorena joined us there for some fun in the sun.
For Dinner later that day Peter, Nico and I went to Gaby's, the mediterranean place right next the Cow's End.
Friday Morning we went to the Venice Farmer's Market! It was so yummy. There we met up with Kate and Jordyn. We walked around for a little and Nico ate his breakfast while us mommies talked about USC's home track meet (scheduled for the following day).
During the day we hung out with a mommy friend, Lenora, and her son, Andreas who is a couple months older than Nico. 
We ran to the park---THROUGH THE SAND along the beach, let the kiddos play around (and we tried to recover), and ran back to my apartment (on the pavement)---Total run: 4 1/2 miles. By the time we got back, Nico had fallen asleep in the stroller, so Lenora and Andreas got in the pool for a little and I just RELAXED. The pool was definitely a happening spot for kids a couple months old to about 12 years old. There were a couple extras tanning...but they just seemed out of After the pool, we worked up an appetite and came upstairs for a yummy buffet. Nico and Andreas ate chicken nuggets and baby carrots =)....SO CUTE!
Later that afternoon we Biked with Peter to the Beach to watch him surf for a little. Nico and I played in the water...until my back literally ALMOST CRACKED from being bent over! Nico loved getting in the water....even though it was freezing. He especially loved when the waves were coming. He would get all excited and make really funny sounds. We biked to dinner after the beach...and ate scrumptious Pizza at a little place nearby.
Saturday Morning we went to the MDR run Club where we ran a 10k with the group after doing our own 1 mile warm up to the meet-up. We were the 3rd people to finish in the group...WITH NICO in the stroller =) so proud! We ran between 7:45 and 8:10 pace throughout the run, switching stroller duty.
During the day, Peter got some time to relax and catch up on work stuff while Nico and I went to COSTCO!!!
At night we invited another Mommy friend, Amparo, over with her two sons (2yrs and 5 months)and her husband for DINNER. Due to her work schedule, she can't meet with us and the other moms during the week, so we hadn't even had a chance to hang out in the last couple weeks, since the day we met! Charlie also came over.
I made a really yummy dinner: Spinach and Cheese, and Lobster and Cheese Ravioli's with my own Alfredo sauce and baked brie with strawberry preserves. Amparo brought a delicious dessert..which I didn't get to try (due to my lenten promise). We laughed a lot...but I can't really remember what about
Sunday we went to the Main Street Farmer's Market
for some snacks before heading to the Sunset Beach for the majority of the day.
I got a little guttsy and tried to swim out at HIGH TIDE, like if I knew what I was doing. Like Peter and Charlie like to say, I GOT ROCKED! No for hands and knees were shaking. I don't think I'm quite ready for the open ocean just yet.
After I made it out...barely alive, the three of us hung out on the beach for some time while I regained control of my body. Peter and Charlie went out for a little while Nico and I went to pick up lunch and talked to Eneida--Peter's abuelita.
In the evening, we went to a Pot Luck that a Co-worker from Berlitz was hosting. We had a great time...and fit in just great thanks to Nico. There were a bunch of little munchskins running around. The funniest part of the evening was when the sales director said that he was very careful about what he feeds his 16 month old....they TRY TO give him every organic and WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS...hahaha. I almost lost it laughing but held my composure!
Monday we hung around here because I had some work to do before going to teach in the afternoon. But yesterday we went to a NEW Music Story-time right by our grocery store. There was a puppet show with monsters right next to a beautiful fountain! It was great. We're gonna try to make it to more of those!
Well that's my update! Of course there's always a million things going on here in our lives...but we're always trying to take time to keep you---who are reading this because you want to know what's up--updated.
I want to give special shout out to CASH, HENRY, ISSAC, AND ARCHER--Nico's Austin friends who celebrated their 1 year birthday this past weekend!
We missed it but we were there in Spirit! You have all grown up to be such handsome, WELL BEHAVED, young one year old gentlemen! I'm sure you are all making ur mommies' very proud by just being ur cute little selves and reaching all the milestones that you have reached!
Congratulations on ur first BASH!!! I hope in 21 years you invite us to celebrate as well! =)
And to you mommies...
Dear Stephanie, Candy, Heather, and Bethany:
Congrats on making it to the 1 yr mark! Your babies are beautiful...which are a reflection of YOUR HARD WORK, YOUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and PROOF of what AWESOME WOMEN YOU ARE! I'm so glad that I'm friends with you girls =).
Love, Valeria
Aww thanks Valeria. We really did miss you and continue to miss you. Looks like you are living it up out there! Glad to see some more posts!