Friday, April 15, 2011

15 months old!

Happy 15 months Pumpkin Head!
At 11am I realized that I had left the house this morning without wishing my BABY a happy GOLDEN birthday! His next golden birthday will be when he turns 15 years old!!

I am such a proud momma. I will post later about my work situation but I was telling Peter yesterday that it wouldn't be FAIR if my work situation had worked out since I have EVERYTHING else-- A beautiful, smart amazing, lovable baby head and husband, lots of mommy/baby friends, I live in a breath-taking place(except for crazy Jerry Springer neighbors), I am able to run and I'm improving everyday--inching closer to the runner with-in, i have close friends both near and really FAR, and a supportive and loving family (who is waiting for us with open arms for Easter next weekend).

Nico's Stats for 15 months will be filled in on Monday after his 15month check up =).

Motor Skills- He has really started to pick up the sign-language thing! He signs for LECHE, MAS, DIAPER, CHANGE, and his latest--LAVA (for washing his hands). Peter has really done a great job with Nico and being consistent with the different signs. MY BABY IS SO SMART--but i guess every mom thinks so, right, lol. On another note, he is really good a dribbling the soccer ball---especially down the hallway. He's got the walking thing down! He is even trying to figure out the running thing now--YAYYY!

Language skills- Nico has always been every vocal. Great with the baby talk, even carrying on with his own conversations--in his own language. BUT NOW---WE HAVE WORDS: We have BALL and what seems to be CAR.

Teeth- YES more are coming out still! He has 12 completely out and 1 or 2 creeping out.

Sleeping habits: Sleeping through the night unless he pees too much and it leeks out of his diaper...and onto his clothes, and wakes him up! Peter and I have been very pround of the fact that we have gotten our child on somewhat of a schedule...especially since we were and still are the most un-monotonous, schedule following people. But for the sake of our since, we have made it a point to respect his bedtime schedule and his NAP schedule (for the most part, hahaha).

Eating habits: he has gotten a little pickier and less focused when it comes to eating. But he looks ADORABLE when he chews on those chicken nuggets and string cheese (2 of his favorite things right now).

Other updates:
  • He really LOVES BALLOONS. It is almost an unhealthy obsession that I need to keep an eye on, lol.
  • He LOVES sharing, to the point that he almost SHOVES food and toys into other kids and people's faces....but at least it's better than having a little selfish brat--hahaha.
  • He is very sensitive. He really gets his feelings hurt and still curls his lip like he did when he was an ity-bitty baby. These days, however, it no longer shakes like it used to. But it still crumbles my heart.
  • He is very independent. Actually only needs me to fill his bottle with milk--if he could reach the milk in the fridge, he'd probably ask me to move out of HIS apartment, J/K! But for real, he wants to do everything BY HIMSELF.
  • He is REALLY CURIOUS. I know i've said this before, but he is really interested in seeing HOW things work. His fine motor skills are really well developed for his age.
  • We've been practicing MAMA and DADA- So when I say MAMA I point at myself and when I say Nico I point at him. Recently, he's been saying MAMA and he points at himself---because that's what I've been doing...hahaha. IT'S SO CUTE I want to bite his finger off...I'm really just kidding.
What else can I say! I love this little man!
From 1104 Laundry-Tomas's Bday
Happy 15 Months mi Rey!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet, big boy Nico! Can't believe our little men are getting SO BIG!!! And your update always reminds me I need to get going on ours. :)


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.